Monday, February 4, 2008

UL-Marquette 2/4/08

Ah, the rematch. Can you feel it? Can you hear it? Can you smell it? It actually smells like pot in my apartment, maybe it's the smell of vengeance, though. Hard to tell. I say Marquette wins by 10, 78-68, and the old woman that Jerry Smith stomped in his celebration last year storms the floor and hits him with her purse.

Quick aside: Over/under the amount of times we see the David Tyree catch in the next week--60. It was an amazing play, though.

Go cay-ards. See you at the under 16!!! (For all of you who aren't basketball experts, that is not some sort of club where we "Supaman" a bunch of high schoolers.)

McDonough: Under the weather or unexcited?

Uhhh, is this game being played at 2AM Milwaukee time? Where is everyone?

No James?!?! Prediction change: 77-55, UL.

Good way to set the tone, Earl. Don't be cautious.

Is Crean drinking Keystone Light on the bench?

Wow. Sosa is on fire!!!! That could be the Cards' biggest detriment tonight...

UL's offense looks like it is practicing. If this doesn't change fast, this game will be ugly.
14-8, the mighty, mighty Cardinals
Hey, James is playing...and fouls like a chick.

Has Marquette ever run a zone before? Because they're bad at it.

Knowles before Scott...ITV has spoken.

What an awful possession to lead is into break.
19-10, L-Raisers
Marquette fouls a lot...and complains even more after they foul.

Big news: Knight quit...and looks like a complete nancy in his picture. Why is anyone surprised at what Bob Knight ever does? He's psychotic.

I don't know what UL does to Marquette, but I wish UK could do it to anyone. This game, so far, is lopsided, despite the score.

Caracter is a wrecking-ball...I get the feeling that his days are numbered. I mean, he has 3 fouls in like 5 minutes of play.

Jerry Smith does not let you miss him score, because he screams after the ball falls through the net EVERY TIME.
23-14, UL...I think
Uh-oh, Sosa may start hoisting.

Nevermind, Pitino saw that possibility and quickly called a TO to end it.

Am I crazy, or is Marquette horrible. I realize UL is playing good defense, but they look shitty.

That was a questionable foul, but don't expect to get calls the way you chumps have been hackin' all night.
25-19, C-A-R-DS
UL is way better than Marquette. I'll be shocked if they don't win going away. If they play defense like this the rest of the year, they will be a tough team. They still have spurts of will happen soon in this game.

Not in Farley's house BITCH!

Marquette is running UL's old offense before they threw it to Padgett! Apparently they thought the scouting tapes were how-to videos.

Throw it to Farley!! He's busting his ass down low!!! And fouling, apparently.

Sosa is having his breakout game...oh, and I heard the E5/Magic comparison moments before his crossover missed his other hand.
34-22, UL
Looks like Terrence caught a bow to the schnozz. 'I wish nothing but the best. Never want to see a kid get hurt; no matter who you cheer for.'--obligatory CatsPause post.

OK, he's back. Can I hate him again?

What a flush!!! TO Louisville!!! I'm kidding; that guy just did his best Candace Parker.

40-28, UL
Sosa utilizing the shiver...he learned that from Strahan last night.

45-32, Cards
OK, Marquette has hit board first on two threes this half. Stop shooting so many 3's!

Terrence: Swish!

Just keep shooting, Marquette...
53-39, Da Ville
If Marquette doesn't do something, this will be the last section of live-blogging. Jon and Kate Plus 8 is almost on.

Ugly and awful, this game.

That was the UL I remember: Terrence hoisting an awful three, and Caracter blatently pushing a Marquette player.

OK, I'm not watching this any longer.

Pretty sure the Cards won.


Adam said...

3-will took his 1st challenged 3..nice. Cards look tenacious on D so far, but I've seen them squander to many leads to count.

Rantastic groupie

Adam said... is a funny thread on ITV.

Adam said...

OT - now that the super bowl is behind us, ESPN has wasted no time talking about UNC/Duke. At least 58 refrences in the past hour.

ps. i love talking to myself