Wednesday, February 11, 2009

some old bullshit

Apparently the Cubs are among a handful of teams interested in signing Kris Benson. I am gonna rephrase that to say that the Cubs are among a number of teams with some interest in signing Kris Benson. Really? Something here is fishy. Can't you just see Jim Hendry pulling "Kris's" mask off a few days into Spring Training, only to have Mark Prior (who was under the mask the whole time) say ruefully, "And I could have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for you snooping kids (talking to Ascaino and Samardzija)...-hey by the way, did u guys know he actualluy played Notre Dame??? How did we not know that? That's a really high profile program still, right?
Anyway, Kris Benson? Wow. I heard that Tommy John just had surgery, so maybe he's available.

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