Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Don't Care What the Stats Say

I watched the game at Arkansas, and the Razor is not getting it done. My man TDunk22 (now known as playgalloway) is an idiot, I'll grant you that. But, he put up a post about Gillispie not playing Galloway enough at Arkansas. Now, he worded it poorly and was trying to get a rise out of everybody, and he did. But, almost to a man, every person that posted was RAVING about the play of Ramon Harris.

So, I go over to another UK blog that Gene writes for, and sure enough, the ringleader on that blog said that it was "one of the best games Ramon has played" (sic).

What game was I watching? Harris sucks bad, and if I were Galloway, I would transfer and tell Billy to shove it up his ass.

Yeah, we won. But, this game may have been fool's gold again (UT game) because if Meeks doesn't have a superhuman effort each game, we will fuckin' lose with Ramon out there.

P.S. Perry sucked again.

P.P.S. People on message boards are usually stupid, but I dare you to read this thread and disagree with what he says. (Please ignore the misspellings.)

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