Thursday, February 19, 2009

Maybe UK's Dumber Than I Thought

Gillispie speaketh:

"It (no Patterson, Meeks not scoring 168 points) makes (the margin for error) smaller, but it doesn't make excuses for guys going to the wrong spots," Gillispie said. "We've played a lot of games already. We're making some mistakes where guys go to the wrong spots.

"It all comes back on coaching, No. 1, period. But you're out of a timeout and they go exactly to the wrong spot when you draw the play up for them -- that's where your margin for error is destroyed."

Uh, yeah. First of all, bravo! Not a single double negative! Secondly, does anyone not believe this? Can't you see Gillispie explicitly telling Perry to stand on the low block, and then watching his lanky ass wander to the elbow?

Maybe he's right. Maybe he has a team of morons.


Thom said...

Hilberts hate Stevenson.

Thom said...

"It all comes back to coaching," but if I tell them what to do and they don't do it, they are dumb?

He sounds more like a dumber, less-slick version of Pitino everyday.

Gene Parmesan said...

You just blew my mind.

Bick Rozich said...

Thom, if you are defending Stevenson at this point, I don't know what to say to you.

Even Sean has jumped off the train.

Thom said...


Defending Stevenson is not much different than defending Porter. They both are pretty horrible. I'll concede that Perry is probably a little more frustrating b/c he actually has talent and plays scared whereas Mike is probably just not physically able to be a functional point guard.