Wednesday, February 25, 2009

read it here! exciting news re: the big blue!!!

Ya know how there's that guy who called the other guy and said that the Dodgers were gonna sign Manny? Are you guys curious as to why his parents named him a cuss word?

Anyway, if anybody gets this far, i feel the need to tell you now (spoiler alert) this post has nothing to do with UK, after this paragraph. I am currently watching the Cats game...Devin Downey just went thru Michael Porter's back door, apparently...(R.I.P. him indeed!)...anywho, here is why I am vomiting tears now. I just realized as that for the last few years now, this has become the time of year that i actually turn my focus to hopes of a great Cubs season to ease my pain over UK's March prospects. That, my friends is, in the words of the great Daffy the Duck, a revoltin development.

anyway on to the big (Dodger) blue...
Joe torre sez that "from his experience" Manny was not just sitting around" out there. He further intimated that he actually believes that Manny is "working out"...i swear to a lower case god (J Mack), that he honest to goodness said that he believed Manny was working out.

Really, can anybody even imagine that? If I swore off porn for the rest of my life, I could not hone my imagination to the requisite sharpness it requires to even concieve of Manny working out. I can imagine Manny playing Animal Crossing all day. I can imagine Manny shopping bulk for do-rags. I can definitely picture Manny taking a leisurely stroll across a pond that was recently frozen by the chill of pure evil that surely eminates from beneath the robes of his agent. I cannot envision Manny doing those trunk-twisty things that baseball players seem to do a lot of. Nor can I see him leaving his house to hit in a batting cage. When I think about Manny chasing a chicken around, well I guess that could be done for training purposes, but it's always at a petting zoo. Plus, I always got the feeling that Manny was more along becasue Papi wanted to go!

Well now we get a glimpse into just how worthless Joe Torre's experience must be. First of all, what does Joe Torre know of Manny's offseason habits? Manny came to L.A. looking like the kid who returns to class fresh from the principal's office. He was focused when he came off his little suspension from the Sox and subsequent deal to the Dodgers. Manny has proven that he cannot maintain focus oftentimes through an entire defensive chance, how the hell does Joe Torre believe he can suddenly do so for an entire, now protracted offseason?

Also, he wasn't purely playing hard; he was playing scared. Manny used to dwell at the very top of the shadow cast by shaq. you know the one. It's the one that allows you to operate with a practical carte blanche in America if you are a productive enough athletic commodity that people will put up with all the bullshit that comes along with your " big personality". Manny got exposed as being selfish and disingenuous at the very least last year. I would go so far as to say he comes off like a complete douche now.

The fact is, had Manny been willing to see it through and get himself into a spring training situation or at least show some inclination to at least perpitrate to have some modicum of desire to get there, I personally would have wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But it seems that Manny is more than happy to pretty much just sit there as has always been his custom, citing his self proclaimed "laid back" attitude as cover for the fact that he is actually a disinterested, vain, jackass. I think this is a further indication that managers in baseball really do as little (as far as actual effect on a team) as it would seem they do, or at least they actually know that little. Either that, or Torre just doesn't give a fuck anymore. His spirit was truly broken in New York and it just took a year or more for the cancer to manifest itself. Now he just wants to pull a Costanza upon his inevitable exit and is already positioning himself to really get canned.

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