Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We get it, Kobe sucks

Yes, yes, he should tell you how your ass tastes. We all bow to you, almighty fat ass Shaq. You are so awesome and Kobe sucks so bad. Would you please stop doing these "look at me" stunts?

Don't sit there and act like, "oh man, me and Kobe is boyz and shit." Look, you couldn't have done it without Kobe or D-Wade. You're not the shit. You were a dominant big man that excelled in the post by bullying people. Good for you. You're like 50 feet tall. Everyone started labelling you the most dominant big man ever, I guess, because they needed to label you something, and you sure as shit weren't the greatest big man ever--or of your own generation. Then you got fat as fuck and joined the police force.

Whatever. Shaq-a-Clause is awesome.


Anonymous said...

1. Does Matt Jones have a crush on Josh Harrelson? I swear he's in love with him.


Anonymous said...

The Harrelson thing is an elaborate counterintelligence rouse. I mean line-beard & jorts...we're clearly trying to learn more about our enemy by bringing one of their own into the fold.
