Monday, April 28, 2008

School almost end yay happy cold in this room

I don't feel like completing thoughts, but I will relay this hilarious story that just occurred. I told this story to my gf, and she thought it was barely funny. So, look forward to it!!!

OK, so we had to make these websites for my computer class (mine sucks ass, so I'm not linking it), and they were a real pain in the ass. Anyway, we had to present them before the class, and we just finished.

Now, I ain't one of dem dern gays that brought on Hurricanes and are ruining our great nation, but I can see when a man is attractive (especially if that man is naked). Anyway, I was talking with a classmate of mine who seems to fit this bill--he wasn't naked, though. So, as we were talking, a young lady of Asian descent from our class approached us, and posed this question:

"Are you guys going to celebrate with sex?"

At first, I thought, 'OK, maybe Asians mean something else when they say "sex."' But when I saw the look on the other dude's face, I realized that couldn't be true. We were finally like, 'whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?'

Then she re-stated it, only this time a bit more clearly. She meant to say, "celebrate with us." Not as funny.

Moral of the story is that I still have work to do and this Asian chick is out getting all wild drunk and shit.

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