Thursday, September 27, 2007

Damn You, CBS!!!

CBS (and for some, Peter) has single-handedly ruined what could have been the greatest weekend in recorded history. Friday night: midnight madness. Saturday: Keeneland. Saturday evening: Tailgating. Saturday night: UK-LSU in Cats' biggest win in history. The game will be at 3:30 so we'll just have to settle for tailgating. Oh well.

The Cubs magic number is 3. That is simply a number that will haunt us all after they blow the lead in the last week. The only hope remaining is that the Brewers are bigger chokers than us. Let's hope that's enough.

UL fans are freaking out and I can't stay away from their message boards. I just had to post in response to this:

good post. I totally understand. Another game to add is the Michigan St game in the mid 90's,... pouring ran all day. I sat in the open side of the Fairgrounds, under a trash bag.

I have invested a great deal of time, money and most importantly my heart and soul into being a card fan. This season it is like getting dump by your wife, kicked in the nuts by your kids, biten by your dog and so on. If booing helps you deal with it, go for it, I understand. Get it out of your system and then try to be positive. We need to circle the wagons

(all grammatical and spelling errors his...I mean, ran??????????)

My reply:

I'm not even a UL fan and this pisses me off. The reason you feel this way is because of the hype YOU ALL (and the CJ) created. I can assure you that the players are working as hard as they can to win games. Trust me, they care way more than you do. If you don't like Krag, fine. Talk about how much he sucks and call-in and bitch about it. Don't boo a bunch of kids, many of whom you've praised for so long, because their coaches don't have their sh*t together. Coming into this season, it was evident that the Cards had very good team, but w/ a new coach anything can happen. No one wanted to believe that and the fans wanted to build this team into something that they weren't. It appears that as of now they are not very good; that doesn't mean that effort is lacking and these 20 year-olds deserve boos from fat, drunk rednecks. Brian Brohm could be the best ever out of UL and you want to boo him. Good way to repay the Louisville native who turned down millions to return to school and please ALL OF YOU. Quit acting like fairweather losers and support these guys who have given up so much of their time to please you. If I was them, I would be so excited to play on the road and they'll probably perform better. I hope they come back from Raleigh after blowing out N.C. State to all of your cheers at the Red Mile and they boo all of your dumb asses.

I find it very interesting how before the UK game UL fans were opining on ITV on the topic of how great their fandom was. You lose two game, and poof, gone. Jesus, UK fans aren't that bad. It's just funny how all of the misguided build-up by these fans has completely blown up in their face and their mad at--anyone else. Be mad at yourselves; you guys were the ones christening Krag. Even through that, this loyal blogger predicted a Cats victory and even said that UK was better than UL. Changing coaches is hard no matter how good your QB is. Also, until the UK game, I'd only heard of Willie Williams on your defense and that was only due to his convictions. I don't know who made up the fact that they were all-world. They suck. They're clueless.

Also, I know a little something about booing. I have to be the only person in history to almost get kicked out of a bar for doing it. It was tremendous. So I'm not anti-booing; I just don't boo my favorite team--ever.


Anonymous said...

The problem is the head coach has destroyed this team. And no the players aren't playing their hardest. They don't give a shit, because the ring leader of 6 flags over jesus doesn't care about football. This A-hole has ruined this team, which has big time talent. I just hope they play for themselves not this shithead head coach.

And as crappy as UL is, they lost by 5-6 points on a blown coverage to the best UK football team in 30 years.


Anonymous said...

PS. I am going to stand in the cold now.

Anonymous said...

Correction A-Train. This is our best team in 50 years.
