Saturday, February 7, 2009

Things Are Shapin' Up!

This is an exciting time for us here at Rant-tastic. We've signed a couple new bloggers, Stanley Dripdick and Dean Wormer, who should exponentially raise the quality of the blog. Furthermore, Bick Rozich is acting like a pissed chick, so he'll be posting more often about the Wildcats' demise.

A few notes: I hope you guys didn't blow your wad on the first weekend, because there have been posts galore. I'm not sure the public (Train and Tommy) can keep up. Also, Dean Wormer, let's have some graph breaks every now and again. It's like trying to read a text message or, as Bick said, an e.e. cummings poem.

Nevertheless, keep up the good, inspired work!


Bick Rozich said...

It's an exciting time for "us" here at Rantastic! Ohhhhhhh, burn back atcha!

Anonymous said...

Train and I started our own blog.

The Walrus

Gene Parmesan said...

Well, whatever.