Thursday, February 5, 2009

On Our Fans

I said I was going to post about our coach, but I lied. I can get to him in the future.

Instead, I have some news to break: our fans our irrational. I know, right? They're truly a band of insufferable tools. Tommy, who is a swelling douche about to pop with annoying positivity, notwithstanding. Anyway, 98% of people in Rupp Arena are certifiably insane.

I have come to a pretty basic conclusion concerning this group: they either wanted Tubby gone because a) he was black, or b) he wasn't gettin' it done. Or, both. I'd say that the reasonable assholes, myself included, fell into the 'b' category. I felt it was time for him to go, and now I would like to reconsider (though Minn. got shit on last night).

However, because of the parameters set by these two groups, no one wants to admit that we fucked up. Every dipshit that suggests that we who may want Gillispie gone (not fully on board, but I'm close) aren't "seeing the forest for the trees" can go to hell. As I said, I don't want to get on a whole thing about Gillispie yet, but I'll give you a taste: we aren't improving, folks. We're the same shitty team that lost to GW and VMI and San Diego. Those "big" wins are misleading, because Tennessee's shitty too.

Anyway, I've veered violently from my point. The racists don't want to say that the white-guy-who-talks-like-me sucks, and the Tubby-bashers don't want to admit that we've taken a huge step backwards. And we, as a state, should know a thing or two about being backwards. That doesn't really make sense.

Still, as much as I like to think that the fans don't matter, they do. They ran Tubby off and they get Jeff Brohm hired. I find it funny that our mantra of "the best fans in the world" could not be more misguided. We may be the worst.

Listen, I'm not impervious. I'm as spoiled as the others. However, I like to think that I am at least borderline sane. My problems arise when we get a lead in Rupp. Used to be, when we led at home---game over. Now, you're just waiting for the meltdown. Years ago, that was the sign that we were going to bury a team. We take the lead, then we blow 'em out. It's kind of like finding a CD you made five years ago, and how excited you get. Then, you listen to it and realize you liked shitty music back then. (I'm looking at you, O.A.R.) Same range of emotions. I get the giddy excitement still, but then the anxious feeling of "oh fuck, game, just end now" sweeps over me.

OK. Wow. Again, back to the fans. I guess my biggest frustration is with the BCG supporters. And not because they support him, but because these were the same ignorant dicks that hated Tubby. I may have thought Tubby's time had come to an end, but I never stopped cheering for him. Now, I find it hard to like Gillispie. He's randomly shitty to people, even though he gets super crybaby emotional. (Wow. If that doesn't describe an alcoholic...) I just hate how we're supposed to be patient with him, a guy that's brought more embarrassment to the program than Tubby ever did, and we couldn't wait to get rid of the black guy.

I don't know. Maybe I'm overstating the racism. But seriously, fans, if this dude was black, he'd be gone. No question. I guess I'm just asking that we be a little more accountable for our mistake. We fucked up. That's clear. Gillispie may be able to dig out of this---he's tough, by god---but we can't keep pretending that this is OK.

So voice your opinions all you want. Just stop telling people that this guy is bringing us back. He's not. He's the great white hope, and he hasn't achieved shit.

Moral of the story: I'm great and the rest of you rednecks suck.


Anonymous said...

Rack Em!


Anonymous said...

I just douche everywhere.


Anonymous said...

Edit this up and bit and post it on KSR. The impending shit storm would be awesome.

Stanley Dripdick said...

Go fuck yourself dickbag