A few weeks ago I said (not in writing) that Eric Crawford was "coming along!" I was completely wrong. He's not coming anywhere. His latest column he referenced Darth Vader, solidifying his spot in the hall of fame of douchedom. That's really all there is to say about him. As much as Rick Bozich is a blow-hard, Eric Crawford is just as much a cheese-dick. Furthermore, he looks like he's getting a bit of a ream from the tickle-monster in his picture. He should refer to Bozich and use his approach of having the same look he probably flashed when someone told him that you should begin and end each column with the same sentence. Some sort of "ah-ha" look. I realize I've discussed this before, but they are intolerable.
Hey! Let's talk about me! Apparently some man has given me some independent writing duties for a couple of magazines that, in all actuality, do not exist. Allegedly these magazines will be launched mid-September so if you see ads for Amateur Golfer (or Amateur Porn) or Sports Digest then buy! I have a few assignments. My first article is, you guessed it, to interview Frank Gore. Unfortunately I just lost his cell number so that may be a challenge. Instead I had to be the "con" in an argument about whether or not Bonds should be in the HOF. Which was easy because he's an asshole.
Well that's it. Our season ended mercilessly on Thursday and I'm not over it enough to discuss the epic battle. It was the true David v. Goliath story...minus the beginning and the outcome...so really just the middle was very David v. Goliath-ish.
Heal Aldolfo. If not for me, do it for your biggest fan Dick Stockton...
Congrats on the assignment. I hope this doesn't impact Rant-astic. Anything new with the D-bags at kentuckysportsradio.com?
Don't call them d-bags. Would if they read the blog! Nothing new though...fingers crossed.
Greg Doyle the writer for cbs sportsline lives here in the nasti. Anyway he has a blog and lists kentuckysportsradio as one of his favs. a-train
Doyle is on their radio show from time to time.
Keep up the good work and congrats on the assignemnt.
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