Monday, October 6, 2008

Steve Rosenbloom: Will You Marry Me?

Please. Please. Please, read this. Please. It's short, and about Soriano being a hack. Last line: "Try getting more hits in the playoffs than Ryan Dempster, fella."

Rosenbloom is an awesome writer, and his blog is a must for all.

Do you think Soriano woke up Sunday morning, and was like, "Aw! Sliders! That's what they were!?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least Dusty won a few playoff games with the Cubs...Seriously though I wish they would have made a run for Teixeira when they had a chance and put him in the outfield. Oh well, time to throw a bizillion dollars at Sabathia.

War Soriano bashing

Adam in the Nati
