Thursday, March 6, 2008

Steve Stone=Traitor

Stoney has betrayed us.

According to a website that I can't remember, the ex-pitcher has taken the job as the radio announcer for the Chicago White Sox. This is bad enough; however, could he not throw his weight around and get those two bungholes off WGN?

When I first read that Stoney was returning to Chicago, I must admit I was excited at the prospect of Brenly being off the air. I think Kasper is solid; Brenly, however, tells really unfunny stories about his playing days.

Well, I was catching a game in St. Louis, and it was hot. I mean, HOT. After about the eighth inning, I looked at the umpire and said, 'hot enough for ya?' He just shook his head. He was hot too!

Thanks, Bob!


Anonymous said...

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, matches the Joe Carter, "That was almost hilarious!" story.


Anonymous said...

So do we call Stoney TBFEBCC?

The Broadcaster Formerly Employed by Chicago Cubs
