Thursday, September 20, 2007


I know you were all on the edge of your seat waiting to what happened in the great "FedEx Bonanza of 2007," so I will share. After all was said and done, I received another email from Tubby which was a forward of an email from a professor near here who was said to have received the package. He hadn't, but that was the fault of someone else. All good. However, when I scrolled the forward down I saw the apology letter she had written to all of the professors. In it, she states "the guy who's responsibility it was to mail these (not me, but became me) NEGLECTED (caps mine) to follow my instructions to overnight them" (I'm sure you all remember the "for deliver tomorrow"). I really didn't care much that she sold me out to these random nerds, but she copied my department chair on the email, so now I look incompetent. At this point, as you can imagine, I was not pleased. About an hour later I went upstairs (where her office and the office of other department professors are) to take copies or something to a professor. Two older professors were talking and asked me to come in (these guys are very cool and they like me). While there, they asked what happened. I told them and they told me that she was literally shouting about me and what I had done so that the entire office could hear for about fifteen minutes. We then discussed how she was psychotic and they fully supported me saying that she was oftentimes "bitchy." Anyhow, I was leaving and Thunder-thighs came over and apologized for "blowing up" and added that it was "OK to make mistakes." I told her that I knew it was and it was OK she blew up, but I hadn't made a mistake. She kind of shyed away from this as I stood there like a goon, and the two professors were outside listening like teenagers. She then said, "really, everybody makes mistakes. I took care of everything." I said "yeah, I know everyone makes mistakes. I make them often. However, in this case, I didn't." She plodded away and that was it.

In other campus news, nary fifteen minutes ago I saw an Asian kid fall off his bike and I really haven't completely stopped laughing yet. It was awesome.

I vowed when I started this blog not to tell stories about my personal life because, really, what's more boring than that but I couldn't resist. Moving on........

The Courier-Journal is making me sick. The Yom Kippur article is absolutely absurd. Mind you, the only knowledge I have about the holiday is that Shawn Green doesn't play that day so no one take this personally, but how many Orthodox Jews are there out there throwing up their L's? Also, do they not get drunk to celebrate holidays like we do? I guess you don't have to be an Orthodox Jew to celebrate, but really, how many people are going to miss the game because of this? Eight? Ten? However many it is, we know who to blame. No, not ESPN. Blame your boy Jurich for being the biggest network slut since Jesse Spano. It's not like anyone's going to watch this shit-show anyway.

Hey Bozich: you're a jerk-off. Not only did you do absolutely no research on your ESPN Classic article, it was awful as well. The game set a record for ESPN Classic viewership (which, admittedly, is akin to leading the International League in doubles) and drew at least close to the same amount of people as last year. He neglected to mention that the Lexington and Louisville markets, who showed the game on WKYT and WHAS respectively were not included in those numbers. Rick Bozich is the Michael Moore of sportswriting, except his points are never completely drawn out--they're just doctored. The most important part of using skewed research to prove that what you are saying is fact is to MAKE SENSE. See, it's easy for Moore to use propoganda with gun laws and healthcare because people don't know shit about it and they don't care to learn unless he is telling them--and that's as far as they'll go. In a situation such as Bozich's, his problem is that with his credibility, people read that and think, 'that can't be true.' Sure enough, it's not. The worst part always happens after the fact, and I always expect for him to write some sort of retraction. Instead, his next column always comes out and it's about Pitino or Jurich or something. Jurich, Crawford and Bozich should all just get it over with and triple-kiss. I'm tired of it.

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