In the span of two days, our dear friend Charles has endured the losses of two great men.
First, his favorite meathead on ESPN, Sean Salisbury, left the network. Then, a blow that will burn deeper.
Legendary Steelers announcer Myron Cope died today. Not only is Cope the raspy-voiced announcer of Charles' randomly-selected favorite football team, but he "invented" the "Terrible Towel," a great source of inspiration.
Charles, if you need me, there's a comments section.
Also, this wouldn't have happened if you would've donated. There's still time!
Get Blitzed.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sorry...I have too much going on
Sorry I haven't posted today. Between working on the new site and going to school, I haven't found enough time to make fun of people today. However, I plan on posting to this blog frequently, just not as frequently as the other one. I'm sorry. I still love you, it's just the other one is so new and different. Get over it. Plus, I mostly talk about UK on here, and most of that content will be on the other site.
As I briefly spoke about on the new, awesome blog, I have no earthly idea as to why UK wouldn't agree to play UL on Monday night. That would be awesome; I can see no other reason besides childish defiance.
See you at the links, tomorrow! Oh, and make it rain in the comments section you little bitches. What, are you afraid Beezner is going to make fun of you?
Get Blitzed.
As I briefly spoke about on the new, awesome blog, I have no earthly idea as to why UK wouldn't agree to play UL on Monday night. That would be awesome; I can see no other reason besides childish defiance.
See you at the links, tomorrow! Oh, and make it rain in the comments section you little bitches. What, are you afraid Beezner is going to make fun of you?
Get Blitzed.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Do something good, losers!
Are you feeling down? Have your favorite athletes been underachieving? Does no one at work talk to you anymore? If so, then why don't you heedlessly throw money at a cause to make yourself feel better!
There are over 18 million homeless people in the city of Bloomington. That seems like a lot, but I'm pretty sure that's the number. Anyway, I will be participating in a 5K walk for the millions of said homeless people, and I am currently in the process of gathering funds for my donation. It's kind of like a giant penny war, only it's done online, there are no prizes, and nickels and dimes don't count against anyone's total. So if you're feeling generous, donate here.
If you're asking yourself, "so, all you're doing is walking?" Then the answer is "yes." But I'm walking 5000 miles! Or meters...yeah, that makes more sense. Anyway, I bet it's really hot when I do this. Plus, I might have to make small talk with my teammates. Also, if you'd like to donate to my girlfriend, here's her page. She's incredibly lame, so I'll understand if you don't want to give her any money.
In all seriousness, your eternal salvation is reliant upon your personal donation. Well, maybe it's not. But, there are a bunch of homeless people in Bloomington, and it wouldn't hurt to donate. There is no minimum donation. You can use your debit card, and do it all online. You literally have to do nothing, and then you can feel good about yourself!
Get Blitzed
There are over 18 million homeless people in the city of Bloomington. That seems like a lot, but I'm pretty sure that's the number. Anyway, I will be participating in a 5K walk for the millions of said homeless people, and I am currently in the process of gathering funds for my donation. It's kind of like a giant penny war, only it's done online, there are no prizes, and nickels and dimes don't count against anyone's total. So if you're feeling generous, donate here.
If you're asking yourself, "so, all you're doing is walking?" Then the answer is "yes." But I'm walking 5000 miles! Or meters...yeah, that makes more sense. Anyway, I bet it's really hot when I do this. Plus, I might have to make small talk with my teammates. Also, if you'd like to donate to my girlfriend, here's her page. She's incredibly lame, so I'll understand if you don't want to give her any money.
In all seriousness, your eternal salvation is reliant upon your personal donation. Well, maybe it's not. But, there are a bunch of homeless people in Bloomington, and it wouldn't hurt to donate. There is no minimum donation. You can use your debit card, and do it all online. You literally have to do nothing, and then you can feel good about yourself!
Get Blitzed
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Will we see the Hoosiers in Evanston?
IU's flight for Evanston leaves at 10AM, and I'll be at the airport to see if all of the players will be boarding. That's not true, but someone will, and I will be incredibly happy if several players don't go.
There has been nothing more annoying than the recent success experienced by IU. All of a sudden, they're a major college basketball program, despite the years of mediocrity that have preceded this season's achievements. Now, the team (and some fans) is rallying behind a man that has lied to the NCAA, after committing numerous blatant and serious violations.
A couple of years ago, IU players and fans stood up for then-coach Mike Davis. His situation, while ostensibly similar, was different due to the circumstances surrounding him. Davis wasn't producing, and a change was needed. Standing up for Davis was expected, and warranted. However, standing up for Sampson is absurd.
Sampson's "resignation" is not a subjective decision made by the higher-ups in IU's athletic office. Instead, it has been made by IU's history and reputation. Much of what is said by IU supporters, to a point of great annoyance, pertains to the cleanliness of the program. That cleanliness is a great source of pride for many, and to forfeit it would be tragic and devestating to the already fragile image of IU basketball.
However, the players are muddying the waters. The mere suggestion of a boycott already diminishes IU's once proud reputation, but carrying out such an act of defiance would be highly destructive. Thus, I hope it goes down.
I'm not that lucky, unfortunately. I don't see any way possible that IU isn't seen at Northwestern tonight, as skipping Friday's practice will probably serve as the Hoosiers only exhibition of rebellion.
Get Blitzed
Friday, February 22, 2008
Be glad you're not here
Bloomington is the worst place in the world. First of all, the city is jacked with media. No one knows what will happen to Sampson yet, but everyone wants to speculate. As of now, he's not been fired.
Secondly, this city is COVERED with ice. Covered. It is almost impossible to walk anywhere, and driving is a major challenge. The only positive is that I'll probably be able to see a bunch of people fall; hopefully, I will keep my feet.
Check out the new blog. So far, against Beezner's wishes I believe, I have posted the day's links. Hopefully we'll be able to frequently update the site, and each day the links will be provided. Today was a little slow, so expect more on a regular basis.
Get Blitzed.
Secondly, this city is COVERED with ice. Covered. It is almost impossible to walk anywhere, and driving is a major challenge. The only positive is that I'll probably be able to see a bunch of people fall; hopefully, I will keep my feet.
Check out the new blog. So far, against Beezner's wishes I believe, I have posted the day's links. Hopefully we'll be able to frequently update the site, and each day the links will be provided. Today was a little slow, so expect more on a regular basis.
Get Blitzed.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
IU kept their integrity...
...or did they.
This is getting pretty bizarre, as we're now to the point where IU's AD is sleeping in his office.
The new blog launches tomorrow. It looks shitty now, but one day we hope it looks like this. Apparently, the dude who runs that owes Beezner a favor (he wrote some articles for this guy...get your heads out of the gutter), so he's going to design our site.
Check in tomorrow at
...or did they.
This is getting pretty bizarre, as we're now to the point where IU's AD is sleeping in his office.
The new blog launches tomorrow. It looks shitty now, but one day we hope it looks like this. Apparently, the dude who runs that owes Beezner a favor (he wrote some articles for this guy...get your heads out of the gutter), so he's going to design our site.
Check in tomorrow at
If you wear pajama pants to class, you're an asshole
When you wear your pajamas in public, you're admitting that you never get laid.
What's happening to the Douchies?

"Especially you two! You guys are a couple of fucking tools!"
I'll admit, after the UNC game I was a little worried. Duke had been playing very well, and to beat UNC at home was quite impressive. Alas, it appears the poor Dukies are running out of steam, as they lost for the second straight game last night, in Miami. I'm just worried that they didn't all sprint to the bench when anticipating a TV timeout. That would be a real tragedy.
OK, they new site is definitely in the works. We have struggled for about a week over the name, with little help from you jackals, and we settled. We had to think of something that was intriguing, but it also had to make sense. We also wanted it short, but it had to be available. It was a pain in the ass. We settled with It's not great, but it's not awful by any means. Plus, it makes sense, which is more than I can say about this blog. Anyway, if you go there, you'll see a mess. We have to work on the theme (by "we" I mean "someone"), and I'll let you know when to go there. This blog will still exist, but the other blog will be better and updated frequently. It's going to have all the features of an online sports blog, w/ morning links, funny articles from Beezner, and other random stuff. It will focus mainly on things about UK and the SEC. Everything else will still be posted here (i.e. how stupid SportsCenter is) We're open to ideas. I'm sorry "dong time with Evan" didn't work.
I would be remiss if I did not mention that the Skip Bayless of Rant-astic!, Charles, has decided to tie the knot with his lovely lady, Kristen. So, despite where you are right now, begin clapping and shouting "congratulations!" Also, high-five the person in the cubicle next to you. Details are still scarce, but, as I understand it, the wedding will take place in the Crunch Zone of Old Cardinal Stadium. There will be fights, beer, and the Cardinal will be performing the ceremony. Ralph Dawkins is the best man, and Charles' groomsmen include Marty Lowe, Sam Madison, and Arnold Jackson.
Rod Council will be on hand for security detail.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Woods over Holmes, 1-up
I'm sorry, but the Greatest Highlight is on right now, and Berman is awful. First of all, he sounded like someone from a high school news show. Second, he called the Aaron home run, as if that chump in left had a chance of running it down.
Oh, and we need names. is also taken.
Oh, and we need names. is also taken.
Thanks IU
Due to IU's scandal, I wasn't able to see the first couple of minutes of the UK game. Thus, I saw zero Joe Crawford threes. Again, we won in a close, disappointing game.
I think the recently nailed-down "Charles" posts comments that are so outrageous that I have no choice but to post about them. Yesterday, he acted appalled that I didn't like Jerry Smith. First of all, you should never be appalled or surprised to see that I randomly hate anyone or anything. In fact, I'll rant about that later. And secondly, you certainly shouldn't be surprised to see that I hate a UL player. Jerry Smith, I feel, is mostly indefensible. You say that he's a throwback, but to who? T-Will? Every single time he makes a three (which is quite often), he jumps around and celebrates. He is always trying to show people up, and he has awful facial hair. I don't blame T-Will for pistol-whipping him--the only decision Terrence has ever made that I will support.
Before you tell me some story about him giving some kid his wrist-bands or something, watch this video, and decide if this is how throwbacks act:
Don't get me wrong, it was an awesome shot, but what happened to his jersey? He also shoulder-checks some lady. I think my favorite part of that video is Pitino slapping that big fat guy in the ass. That's usually my favorite part of any video.
OK people, it's crunch time in the Greatest Highlight bracket. We've widdled the field of ten trillion down to 16, and now the Flutie play and Hank Aaron hitting 715 are playing in the final 8. I can't believe they are meeting so early!
The defense of Who's Now (Sportscenta poppin', now e'rything is stoppin, HEY!) was that it was during the dull period of the sports year. What's the excuse now? If they didn't do this nonsense we wouldn't have to suffer through hour and a half Sportscenters. The days of the final 30 minutes of SC being "reserved for hockey highlights and over-analysis" (George, D.) are long gone. When I turn on SC now, I never know when in the show I am entering. Sometimes I turn it on and there's a man speaking in Spanish.
If I hear or see anything related to the Sampson circus, I'll let you know.
I think the recently nailed-down "Charles" posts comments that are so outrageous that I have no choice but to post about them. Yesterday, he acted appalled that I didn't like Jerry Smith. First of all, you should never be appalled or surprised to see that I randomly hate anyone or anything. In fact, I'll rant about that later. And secondly, you certainly shouldn't be surprised to see that I hate a UL player. Jerry Smith, I feel, is mostly indefensible. You say that he's a throwback, but to who? T-Will? Every single time he makes a three (which is quite often), he jumps around and celebrates. He is always trying to show people up, and he has awful facial hair. I don't blame T-Will for pistol-whipping him--the only decision Terrence has ever made that I will support.
Before you tell me some story about him giving some kid his wrist-bands or something, watch this video, and decide if this is how throwbacks act:
Don't get me wrong, it was an awesome shot, but what happened to his jersey? He also shoulder-checks some lady. I think my favorite part of that video is Pitino slapping that big fat guy in the ass. That's usually my favorite part of any video.
OK people, it's crunch time in the Greatest Highlight bracket. We've widdled the field of ten trillion down to 16, and now the Flutie play and Hank Aaron hitting 715 are playing in the final 8. I can't believe they are meeting so early!
The defense of Who's Now (Sportscenta poppin', now e'rything is stoppin, HEY!) was that it was during the dull period of the sports year. What's the excuse now? If they didn't do this nonsense we wouldn't have to suffer through hour and a half Sportscenters. The days of the final 30 minutes of SC being "reserved for hockey highlights and over-analysis" (George, D.) are long gone. When I turn on SC now, I never know when in the show I am entering. Sometimes I turn it on and there's a man speaking in Spanish.
If I hear or see anything related to the Sampson circus, I'll let you know.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Louisville is looking pretty scary
I have to admit, Louisville appears to be molding into the final four caliber team they were supposed to be. If they can play fairly smart basketball for 30 of the 40 game minutes, they should be a tough out. However, they were about this good last year leading up to the tournament. It will be interesting to see if they flake-out again come the NCAA's.
I was somewhat impressed by their performance last night, especially because they were forced to play Syracuse's style (read: Shitty). Each time the Orange was able to pull within two or three, the Cards were able to hit a three or something to stretch the lead. Back in December, they would have lost a low-scoring game like this, mainly because they wouldn't have executed at all in the closing minutes. Instead, after a few cherry-picking dunks by from Mr. Modest, they won by 11.
I may be reading into this too much, because I hate UL and Jerry Smith, but I thought it was garbage that he had two break-away dunks to finish the game. One dunk and subsequent over-celebration from Smith is too much. Normally, this doesn't bother me too much, but when the opposing coach is Jim Boeheim, it's trash. First of all, in a point that was belabored by Bill Rafterty last night, Boeheim was the guy who gave Pitino a job in the seventies. Second of all, they had stopped trying to foul. It's one thing if they were extending the game, but they weren't. I may be mistaken, but Boeheim looked a little put-out during the post-game handshake. is available... There will probably be a decision later today, but I checked both thecatspajamas and catspajamas, and they were both taken.
I was somewhat impressed by their performance last night, especially because they were forced to play Syracuse's style (read: Shitty). Each time the Orange was able to pull within two or three, the Cards were able to hit a three or something to stretch the lead. Back in December, they would have lost a low-scoring game like this, mainly because they wouldn't have executed at all in the closing minutes. Instead, after a few cherry-picking dunks by from Mr. Modest, they won by 11.
I may be reading into this too much, because I hate UL and Jerry Smith, but I thought it was garbage that he had two break-away dunks to finish the game. One dunk and subsequent over-celebration from Smith is too much. Normally, this doesn't bother me too much, but when the opposing coach is Jim Boeheim, it's trash. First of all, in a point that was belabored by Bill Rafterty last night, Boeheim was the guy who gave Pitino a job in the seventies. Second of all, they had stopped trying to foul. It's one thing if they were extending the game, but they weren't. I may be mistaken, but Boeheim looked a little put-out during the post-game handshake. is available... There will probably be a decision later today, but I checked both thecatspajamas and catspajamas, and they were both taken.
Monday, February 18, 2008
A reason to care about hockey
Still need names....
It appears that many of you have given up on the names, but Matt and Tommy are still going strong.
Tommy: Listen, "dong time with Evan" (if I had a dime...) is out. Not doing it. is taken; not sure why you linked me to that creepy blog.
Matt: As much as I love the School of Rock reference, it appears that you, like everyone else, has fallen into the Beez's trap. We don't have to use his name in the title; in fact, with it being our site, it seems a bit one-sided. However, you accidentally came up with a name that I had already been considering, with "the cats pajamas." So, good job, I guess.
Keep trying everyone! We want to launch sometime extremely soon.
Speaking of blatant self-promotion, Matt Jones (Duke Law!!) had an interesting name for the IU coaching search, with ex-NBA Jam great Scott Skiles. I wonder if he knows that jump-passes and put-backs aren't as effective in real life as they are in video games... Either way, an ex-NBA coach coming to Bloomington may not work out so well, especially if they ex-NBA guy is Scott Skiles. I'm afraid that the people here will settle for no one other than Bobby Knight.
Tommy: Listen, "dong time with Evan" (if I had a dime...) is out. Not doing it. is taken; not sure why you linked me to that creepy blog.
Matt: As much as I love the School of Rock reference, it appears that you, like everyone else, has fallen into the Beez's trap. We don't have to use his name in the title; in fact, with it being our site, it seems a bit one-sided. However, you accidentally came up with a name that I had already been considering, with "the cats pajamas." So, good job, I guess.
Keep trying everyone! We want to launch sometime extremely soon.
Speaking of blatant self-promotion, Matt Jones (Duke Law!!) had an interesting name for the IU coaching search, with ex-NBA Jam great Scott Skiles. I wonder if he knows that jump-passes and put-backs aren't as effective in real life as they are in video games... Either way, an ex-NBA coach coming to Bloomington may not work out so well, especially if they ex-NBA guy is Scott Skiles. I'm afraid that the people here will settle for no one other than Bobby Knight.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
We don't hate you anymore!

Yes, blow me IU. I beat Michigan State!
On Thursday and Friday of last week, IU's basketball team was at a low-point. They had just lost a close game to Wisconsin on a banked three, and their coach was all but fired. Yet, miraculously, Sunday morning has brought an entirely different outlook.
Since the infractions were made public on Wednesday, there have numerous interviews on the streets of Bloomington, mostly with students, discussing what the future should hold for Sampson. The majority of these interviews were identical, with almost every person saying that Sampson needs to be fired, because he is supposedly soiling the good name of IU basketball and athletics. However, it was late Saturday night, and these same students who had denounced Sampson merely days earlier, leading the Assembly Hall crowd in a chant of "Kel-vin Samp-son." IU had just embarassed a highly-ranked rival, and all of a sudden this Sampson fella wasn't such a bad guy.
The rapid switch in opinion is not really that surprising if you consider the "win-at-all-costs" attitude at almost every college institution in the country. I'm not implying that this attitude isn't shared by everyone, because if it weren't, UK would have never fired Tubby Smith. I'm also not implying that it is wrong to do such things in order to improve your team's performance, even if you must fire a man of Tubby Smith's integrity. However, IU always talks about how "different" they are. They run a clean program, and a cheater like Sampson should not be coaching the Hoosiers, or so they say.
Unless, of course, he can beat Purdue on Tuesday.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Another easy one
That's a joke. However, early in the 2nd half I truly believed that I saw us turning. I started thinking, 'this is it. This is the half that we figure it all out!' Then Bradley and Crawford started shitting the bed, and my thoughts went back to, 'Oh heavens. Just win. I don't care how.' And we did! Hooray!!
I don't have much to say about the play of either team. However, that one asshole for LSU had consecutive garbage shots that were deadened by how horribly strong he shot them, and had no choice but to trickle through the unexpecting net. I hate when that happens. Then Jasper did the exact same thing. I guess it all comes full circle.
Next, we have the return of neanderthal Bliss, who will lumber into Rupp Arena under a chorus of boos and poorly-constructed slurs. "Nice head, square...head!"
OK, Beez Bags isn't bad. Keep working.
I don't have much to say about the play of either team. However, that one asshole for LSU had consecutive garbage shots that were deadened by how horribly strong he shot them, and had no choice but to trickle through the unexpecting net. I hate when that happens. Then Jasper did the exact same thing. I guess it all comes full circle.
Next, we have the return of neanderthal Bliss, who will lumber into Rupp Arena under a chorus of boos and poorly-constructed slurs. "Nice head, square...head!"
OK, Beez Bags isn't bad. Keep working.
Keep firing, assholes!
It is likely that the person pictured above won a trophy for being the awesomest person in history.
As for your title ideas, you're all retarded.
John, I do apologize for leaving you off the list of people who often criticize me. As for your idea, it's entirely too long. No one wants to type every day. Thanks for the input.
A-bomb, you didn't really come up with anything, but you did endorse the merger. And, no, the Bass is not dead. We just aren't so good at the whole "update" thing.
Jed, we can't call me the Beez, it's too close to the other guys name....oh...wait...I see what you did there. Absolutely not.
Tommy, How are you married?
Anyway, I put my faith in you all, and you failed me. The only thing I came up with was I think the term "morning wood" is the funniest shit ever. My gf suggested, for the UK theme, but I don't want to be that guy. Keep plugging, men.
As for the LSU game, and the rest of the season for that matter, this is all I've got:
I think it can be used on LSU again. What's more impossible: Us beating them in football this year, or us beating them in basketball? There is no way that we won't play hard and well today. No live blog. Ever again.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Wait, LSU's good now???
They used to be the laughing-stock of the SEC; now that's us. They just lost to UT by 2 and beat Florida in Gainesville; we're coming off a 41 point barn-burner in Nashville. Further, they owe us some payback from football (we beat them in 3 OT's...I don't know if you've heard). It's obvious that we must win tomorrow, but a convincing victory on the road would be nice. We're supposed to get Meeks back, which means Jasper is out. At least that logic has worked for the majority of the season.
I don't know who UL plays, but I'm guessing it's a Big East team and I bet they're REALLY good. You know, because their a Big East team. I'm confused. I'm not prepared to say that the BE is second to any conference, but G'Town is the best team in the best conference? OH, but look at it top to bottom. OK, Rutgers? South Florida? Depaul? St. John's? Providence? In my opinion, if anything, the BE is watered down because they have 6 million (16) teams. Again, I not sure that any conference is better necessarily, but it's not as clear-cut as people pretend. The BE is good, but their bad teams are bad, their mediocre teams are mediocre, and their good teams are just good. It's not like their bad teams are OK, their mediocre teams are good, and their good teams are awesome. The Big 12, ACC and PAC 10 are all better in terms of each conferences' top 3 or 4. Perhaps the BE is best overall, perhaps not. I don't think so, and they are 4th in the RPI just ahead of the shit-awful SEC. Anyway, best of luck UL against 5 guys no one has ever heard of on a "tough" BE team.
I know every conference has shitty teams. Hell, UK is second in the SEC East. I think I read too many quotes from "Spin"tino (YES!). Actually, I'm done trying to qualify this, the BE is overrated.
OK, a new blog is in the works. This guy and I have been communicating via email about starting our own UK blog. Neither of us understand "the internet," but we feel that we can be successful. There will be more info later, but I see it being some sort of daily link type thing with a bunch of our own...hmmm...articles? Anyway, we need a name. So, A Train, T Dubs, and Charles, when you post your angry comments about how stupid I am and what I spelled wrong, give me some ideas for a good name. Oh, and by the way, this blog will still exist.
I don't know who UL plays, but I'm guessing it's a Big East team and I bet they're REALLY good. You know, because their a Big East team. I'm confused. I'm not prepared to say that the BE is second to any conference, but G'Town is the best team in the best conference? OH, but look at it top to bottom. OK, Rutgers? South Florida? Depaul? St. John's? Providence? In my opinion, if anything, the BE is watered down because they have 6 million (16) teams. Again, I not sure that any conference is better necessarily, but it's not as clear-cut as people pretend. The BE is good, but their bad teams are bad, their mediocre teams are mediocre, and their good teams are just good. It's not like their bad teams are OK, their mediocre teams are good, and their good teams are awesome. The Big 12, ACC and PAC 10 are all better in terms of each conferences' top 3 or 4. Perhaps the BE is best overall, perhaps not. I don't think so, and they are 4th in the RPI just ahead of the shit-awful SEC. Anyway, best of luck UL against 5 guys no one has ever heard of on a "tough" BE team.
I know every conference has shitty teams. Hell, UK is second in the SEC East. I think I read too many quotes from "Spin"tino (YES!). Actually, I'm done trying to qualify this, the BE is overrated.
OK, a new blog is in the works. This guy and I have been communicating via email about starting our own UK blog. Neither of us understand "the internet," but we feel that we can be successful. There will be more info later, but I see it being some sort of daily link type thing with a bunch of our own...hmmm...articles? Anyway, we need a name. So, A Train, T Dubs, and Charles, when you post your angry comments about how stupid I am and what I spelled wrong, give me some ideas for a good name. Oh, and by the way, this blog will still exist.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Lying assholes
Due to the proximity of Mr. Sampson, I'll begin with him. First of all, to see my original feelings of this situation and Coach Sampson, refer here. You can also read some babblings about June Jones and Alex Legion. Anyway, Samspon is a cheater, and IU knew it when they hired him. Perhaps they didn't think he would cheat again, but apparently he has zero integrity. From what I've heard around campus, Eric Gordon is 'flippin' badass' and Brian Butch eats babies. I've also heard that Sampson is going to get fired, and many people think that he should. Ironically, Bobby Knight is available again. Bloomington would be flooded with male semen if Knight returned. I, for one, do not want to be a part of that.
A friend, we'll call him "Gavin," sent me an email (well, Facebook message) today, and had a real jewel of a quote, so I'm going to steal it. First off, you should know that in addition to being a Cowboys and Florida State football fan, "Gavin" is also a Yankees and IU basketball fan. You know, that old chestnut. Anyway, he mentioned in his message that Sampson talks on the phone like a middle-school girl and lies like a 45 year-old pitcher. Which brings me to Rah-jer.
Is he insane? Seriously, is he a crazy person? What the hell was he talking about? If anyone in the universe believes him, they should be beaten severely by his juiced-up wife--which is extremely odd in its own right. My personal favorite moment of the hearing came when McNamee was being lambasted by old men senators, and his only response was, "that's your opinion." It wasn't so much what he said, but the way he said it like a defiant child. His tone would have been exactly the same if, as an eight-year old, he was like, "man, I love grapes," and his friend was like, "grapes suck balls." "Welllllllll, that's your opinion." Seriously, these two men are mentally unstable. Clemens, I can understand. He's trying to protect his legacy. McNamee, on the other hand, has forgotten who he's supposed to lie to. So, instead, he's just lying to everyone.
It's hard for a lot of people, myself included, to understand why these men were in a courtroom filled with senators to begin with. Luckily, I had the opportunity to ask this question in one of my classes. While it's obvious that senators should be spending their time "harrumphing" and caning blacks on the Senate floor (I assume nothing has changed for quite some time), handling this case is good publicity to their constituents. A lot of people care about this, and it is still a legal matter.
That said, we are a country full of morons and idiots. I really can't believe that this is something that will occupy our senators. But, Roger Clemens' legacy is at stake, we MUST get to the bottom of this!!! Personally, I was sold by the photo of the drug-filled vials and empty beer can. Apparently, Roger and McNamee had some pretty crazy times while stabbing each other in the ass.
A friend, we'll call him "Gavin," sent me an email (well, Facebook message) today, and had a real jewel of a quote, so I'm going to steal it. First off, you should know that in addition to being a Cowboys and Florida State football fan, "Gavin" is also a Yankees and IU basketball fan. You know, that old chestnut. Anyway, he mentioned in his message that Sampson talks on the phone like a middle-school girl and lies like a 45 year-old pitcher. Which brings me to Rah-jer.
Is he insane? Seriously, is he a crazy person? What the hell was he talking about? If anyone in the universe believes him, they should be beaten severely by his juiced-up wife--which is extremely odd in its own right. My personal favorite moment of the hearing came when McNamee was being lambasted by old men senators, and his only response was, "that's your opinion." It wasn't so much what he said, but the way he said it like a defiant child. His tone would have been exactly the same if, as an eight-year old, he was like, "man, I love grapes," and his friend was like, "grapes suck balls." "Welllllllll, that's your opinion." Seriously, these two men are mentally unstable. Clemens, I can understand. He's trying to protect his legacy. McNamee, on the other hand, has forgotten who he's supposed to lie to. So, instead, he's just lying to everyone.
It's hard for a lot of people, myself included, to understand why these men were in a courtroom filled with senators to begin with. Luckily, I had the opportunity to ask this question in one of my classes. While it's obvious that senators should be spending their time "harrumphing" and caning blacks on the Senate floor (I assume nothing has changed for quite some time), handling this case is good publicity to their constituents. A lot of people care about this, and it is still a legal matter.
That said, we are a country full of morons and idiots. I really can't believe that this is something that will occupy our senators. But, Roger Clemens' legacy is at stake, we MUST get to the bottom of this!!! Personally, I was sold by the photo of the drug-filled vials and empty beer can. Apparently, Roger and McNamee had some pretty crazy times while stabbing each other in the ass.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I'm still a UK fan...
That said, I have never been more disappointed in a team than I was last night. We didn't play hard, smart, or well. We weren't in the right spots, we didn't TAKE shots, and we got destroyed by Vandy. A Ross Neltner-led Vandy. That's really, really embarassing.
Sorry to those who read the live-blogs, but it's hard to type and cry at the same time. I'll probably not do those anymore, mainly because UK was undefeated when I live-blogged, but that is no longer true. I made a silent agreement with myself that I would stop if we lost; this game was a sign. I guess it was a verbal agreement, when I was talking to myself in the shower, but that's neither here nor there.
Looks like we found one thing out for sure last night: Ashley Judd is a f'ing curse. 'Oh, but she's such a good fan. She came and cheered even though we were getting plowed.' This quote, that I'm sure will be whined by every UK fan that likes Trashley, epitomizes my point. First of all, any sane fan would say, 'the score is WHAT?!?!? Oh God, I don't want to deal with those nerds.' And they would go to some crappy honky-tonk and watch Straight-Shootin' McMountainbeer play covers of Alan Jackson's shitty songs. Secondly, it further proves that she only goes to these games for the cameras. If not for the promise of airtime and publicity, you would never, ever see her at a game. Dumb attention whore, Trashley is.
Sorry to those who read the live-blogs, but it's hard to type and cry at the same time. I'll probably not do those anymore, mainly because UK was undefeated when I live-blogged, but that is no longer true. I made a silent agreement with myself that I would stop if we lost; this game was a sign. I guess it was a verbal agreement, when I was talking to myself in the shower, but that's neither here nor there.
Looks like we found one thing out for sure last night: Ashley Judd is a f'ing curse. 'Oh, but she's such a good fan. She came and cheered even though we were getting plowed.' This quote, that I'm sure will be whined by every UK fan that likes Trashley, epitomizes my point. First of all, any sane fan would say, 'the score is WHAT?!?!? Oh God, I don't want to deal with those nerds.' And they would go to some crappy honky-tonk and watch Straight-Shootin' McMountainbeer play covers of Alan Jackson's shitty songs. Secondly, it further proves that she only goes to these games for the cameras. If not for the promise of airtime and publicity, you would never, ever see her at a game. Dumb attention whore, Trashley is.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
UK-Vandy 2/12/2008
Coury starting; 30 seconds in he ran away from the ball already.
We do not look so hot early on; no one fouled Ogil-douche when he got swatted, by the way.
Coury has been called for two fouls, but he hasn't really fouled all.
I think A.J. Stewart is in. That's odd.
We look every bit of clueless. Neltner can't be fucking stopped. This is bad.
12-3, VU
They are making a great deal of shots to match our turnovers. Neltner, especially.
Apparently A.J. is tied for the lead in Big East rebounding, at least if that graphic meant anything.
I have a feeling that they are too hot right now; meaning, if we can stand this early run, we can come back.
This is pitiful.
OK, come back begins NOW!! Who's with me?!?!?
Hey look, big fat baby is up 15 and bitching.
Patterson: You don't need to defend, let alone foul that big goon.
We can't turn the ball over fast enough.
Coury's back in; maybe he's the answer. Let's stay positive. On another note, it's been ten and a half minutes and we have 6 points.
Shan Foster has been laughing at us the entire game, and why shouldn't he. We look awfully scared/confused/bad.
Nothing better than coming out of a timeout and turning the ball over.
25-6...still haven't scored since last time
Note to the announcers: It doesn't matter what defense we run, we have 6 points.
As our team has, I am giving up. End transmission.
Coury starting; 30 seconds in he ran away from the ball already.
We do not look so hot early on; no one fouled Ogil-douche when he got swatted, by the way.
Coury has been called for two fouls, but he hasn't really fouled all.
I think A.J. Stewart is in. That's odd.
We look every bit of clueless. Neltner can't be fucking stopped. This is bad.
12-3, VU
They are making a great deal of shots to match our turnovers. Neltner, especially.
Apparently A.J. is tied for the lead in Big East rebounding, at least if that graphic meant anything.
I have a feeling that they are too hot right now; meaning, if we can stand this early run, we can come back.
This is pitiful.
OK, come back begins NOW!! Who's with me?!?!?
Hey look, big fat baby is up 15 and bitching.
Patterson: You don't need to defend, let alone foul that big goon.
We can't turn the ball over fast enough.
Coury's back in; maybe he's the answer. Let's stay positive. On another note, it's been ten and a half minutes and we have 6 points.
Shan Foster has been laughing at us the entire game, and why shouldn't he. We look awfully scared/confused/bad.
Nothing better than coming out of a timeout and turning the ball over.
25-6...still haven't scored since last time
Note to the announcers: It doesn't matter what defense we run, we have 6 points.
As our team has, I am giving up. End transmission.
Voice-overs rule
I've watched this video no less than 10 times in the last 18 hours, and I still haven't found it not hilarious. There are dozens of these videos, but this one does it for me.
They've probably been around for a while, I just saw them yesterday. I'm a loser.
They've probably been around for a while, I just saw them yesterday. I'm a loser.
Kevin Stallings is a big, fat pussy (part 2 of 1,000,000)
I'm pretty sure that I could write a million installments of Kevin Stallings being a big, blubbering vagina, but that could get tedious. Instead, I'll probably only write a few more this year. As nervous as I am for this game, I am probably more bothered by his by the prospect of watching hisconstant bitching and whining from the endlines result in a Vandy win. He makes me really mad. I want to win to shore up our current resume; I want to win more, though, because I like to hear him cry like a dumb bitch after the game. If they win, they win. If they win on a bullshit foul call that is a direct byproduct of his antics, I will drive to Nashville, eat some Church's Chicken, and then go kick him in the nuts.

I mean, really? And they're both named Kevin!
I'm going to be trying to format this until midnight, because I suck at pictures. Actually, blogger sucks at pictures. This isn't my fault.
Apparently, Louisville plays tonight. I had no idea, but I will not be live-blogging their showdown with mighty Depaul. Even if UK wasn't on I wouldn't watch that bloodbath.
Pitino should wear the white suit again, just to confuse people. Everybody will be like, 'I thought he wore that for the white-out? Was he just wearing it?' Honestly, the guy will do anything to be the big story. Also, was he constantly naked in the locker room? First, the players didn't see him in his suit before the game. Then, he changed at halftime? Apparently the UL locker room doubles as some sort of bathhouse.
If you're anything like me, you saw the Cards latest victim receive a gift-wrapped package from the officials last night. Villanova and G'town were tied with seconds remaining, and G'town got a rebound and was bringing the ball up the floor when, while 70 feet from the basket, Villanova was called for a pushing foul. I always thought, since the Jalen Rose shiver of '93, that fouls were never called in the backcourt with seconds waning.
I understand that "letting the players decide" could cause some sort of riot in the closing seconds, but calling a minor push before a heave is absurd. It's similar to calling pass interference on a Hail Mary; unless someone is intentionally bludgeoned, don't call it. Remember when IU beat Duke in Rupp to go to the Elite 8? I realize this is a bit obscure, but when Williams missed his free throw, Boozer had a chance to win it under the basket, and his arm was almost ripped off. Obviously I'm not complaining about the outcome, but officials generally allow the game to be decided by last second shots, not free throws.
Calling these weak fouls is just as arbitrary as calling intentional fouls when teams are, well, intentionally fouling. I understand that this is not a trend and these fouls will probably not be called in the future, but Villanova got hosed.
Live-blog for UK-Vandy. I may get pee and vomit all over the keyboard, but that's just from nervousness, not rabies or anything.

I mean, really? And they're both named Kevin!
I'm going to be trying to format this until midnight, because I suck at pictures. Actually, blogger sucks at pictures. This isn't my fault.
Apparently, Louisville plays tonight. I had no idea, but I will not be live-blogging their showdown with mighty Depaul. Even if UK wasn't on I wouldn't watch that bloodbath.
Pitino should wear the white suit again, just to confuse people. Everybody will be like, 'I thought he wore that for the white-out? Was he just wearing it?' Honestly, the guy will do anything to be the big story. Also, was he constantly naked in the locker room? First, the players didn't see him in his suit before the game. Then, he changed at halftime? Apparently the UL locker room doubles as some sort of bathhouse.
If you're anything like me, you saw the Cards latest victim receive a gift-wrapped package from the officials last night. Villanova and G'town were tied with seconds remaining, and G'town got a rebound and was bringing the ball up the floor when, while 70 feet from the basket, Villanova was called for a pushing foul. I always thought, since the Jalen Rose shiver of '93, that fouls were never called in the backcourt with seconds waning.
I understand that "letting the players decide" could cause some sort of riot in the closing seconds, but calling a minor push before a heave is absurd. It's similar to calling pass interference on a Hail Mary; unless someone is intentionally bludgeoned, don't call it. Remember when IU beat Duke in Rupp to go to the Elite 8? I realize this is a bit obscure, but when Williams missed his free throw, Boozer had a chance to win it under the basket, and his arm was almost ripped off. Obviously I'm not complaining about the outcome, but officials generally allow the game to be decided by last second shots, not free throws.
Calling these weak fouls is just as arbitrary as calling intentional fouls when teams are, well, intentionally fouling. I understand that this is not a trend and these fouls will probably not be called in the future, but Villanova got hosed.
Live-blog for UK-Vandy. I may get pee and vomit all over the keyboard, but that's just from nervousness, not rabies or anything.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday's are difficult
I can never think of much to say on Monday's, so I'm going to be brief.
Kentucky won. Other than that, there were few positives from the game Saturday. This team is as painful as any team I can remember, but they make me a little girl. I don't really know how we turn the ball over as much as we do and still win, but it's pretty amazing.
I don't think it's any secret (at least in Da Ville) that the Cards are the best team in the Big East right now. I always saw G'town as being overrated, but I didn't think they would ever surrender an 8 point halftime lead with their style of play. Got to give the Cards props, they made a run in the second half, sans Terrence may I add, and they looked pretty darn good.
Who looked stupidest? Pitino in the first half, Pitino in the second half, or the jack-off-a-sores who didn't realize there was a white-out and wore red?
Apparently Roger Clemens' wife took HGH under his direction. I thought throwing a bat shard at a defenseless Mike Piazza was irrational, but this one is even more insane. Who wouldn't want to give their wife a debilitating drug that will cause her boobs to shrivel? Oh, AND she'll have anger issues? Where do I sign up! Wait, will it make her manly as well? This is perfect!
Kentucky won. Other than that, there were few positives from the game Saturday. This team is as painful as any team I can remember, but they make me a little girl. I don't really know how we turn the ball over as much as we do and still win, but it's pretty amazing.
I don't think it's any secret (at least in Da Ville) that the Cards are the best team in the Big East right now. I always saw G'town as being overrated, but I didn't think they would ever surrender an 8 point halftime lead with their style of play. Got to give the Cards props, they made a run in the second half, sans Terrence may I add, and they looked pretty darn good.
Who looked stupidest? Pitino in the first half, Pitino in the second half, or the jack-off-a-sores who didn't realize there was a white-out and wore red?
Apparently Roger Clemens' wife took HGH under his direction. I thought throwing a bat shard at a defenseless Mike Piazza was irrational, but this one is even more insane. Who wouldn't want to give their wife a debilitating drug that will cause her boobs to shrivel? Oh, AND she'll have anger issues? Where do I sign up! Wait, will it make her manly as well? This is perfect!
Friday, February 8, 2008
IU's radio announcers are pitiful
I tried to listen to the first half of the IU-Illinois game on the radio last night, and I was treated to the worst radio duo since the 'Afternoon D-bags." I understand that, being in Bloomington, the guys are going to be homers, but this was worse. They talked shit about Illinois, they called what was written about Gordon in the papers "pure trash," one guy kept saying insinuate (it didn't make sense), another guy called Jordan Crawford "Joe," and, worst of all, it took the play-by-play man 5 tries to report the score from last time. I'll try my best to reproduce it:
"The Hoosiers won last time in Bloomington, 78 to fifty-er, no, IU won 72 to, wait. OK, IU won last time in Bloomington 63-58. Now let's look at the lineups--OK, the last final was 62-55...or, 62-58."
Then, they bitched about the refs the entire first half.
No live blog this weekend. I won't be watching the Cats from my living room, and UL plays too late. Seriously, who's sober at 9PM on a Saturday? Finals: UK 70-61, UL 77-69.
"The Hoosiers won last time in Bloomington, 78 to fifty-er, no, IU won 72 to, wait. OK, IU won last time in Bloomington 63-58. Now let's look at the lineups--OK, the last final was 62-55...or, 62-58."
Then, they bitched about the refs the entire first half.
No live blog this weekend. I won't be watching the Cats from my living room, and UL plays too late. Seriously, who's sober at 9PM on a Saturday? Finals: UK 70-61, UL 77-69.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I think Paulus is taking performance-enhancers
Upsettingly, Paulus looked eerily similar to a college basketball player last night. In fact, he played very well, draining threes from all over the floor. Duke won going away, and you wonder how Gerald Henderson kept his forearm from breaking people's faces.
A guy who did try to break a face last night was alien-face Sam Cassell. Apparently, he has voiced interest in playing for the Celtics, the team his Clippers played last night. First of all, it usually doesn't work like that. It's unlikely that players will begin picking the specific team that they would like to play for. Further, the best way to get a team like the Celtics to want you, is not by trying to injure their current point guard. Cassell had a few hard fouls on Rondo's face last night before being ejected, as he was acting rather psychotic.
I don't have much else today, Bass update tomorrow.
A guy who did try to break a face last night was alien-face Sam Cassell. Apparently, he has voiced interest in playing for the Celtics, the team his Clippers played last night. First of all, it usually doesn't work like that. It's unlikely that players will begin picking the specific team that they would like to play for. Further, the best way to get a team like the Celtics to want you, is not by trying to injure their current point guard. Cassell had a few hard fouls on Rondo's face last night before being ejected, as he was acting rather psychotic.
I don't have much else today, Bass update tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
UK-Auburn 2/6/2008
No Ramel. No Jodie. I don't feel all that great about this game, even though Auburn isn't too good. Tip in eighteen minutes.
Hammond flying solo?!?!? Ah, hello Lar.
Oh God, look how few people are there.
Oh man, I thought Coury was going to the rack off the tip.
Discuss Coury's walk amongst yourselves.
PPatt can go for 30 against these guys easy...we just need to get him the ball in the right spots.
Shot fake, Joe. Antwain Barbour was one of the best...if not the most prolific.
Gross, Harris. Bend your damn knees.
PPatt had a guard on him there, and no one really looked at him. C'mon guys, Auburn blows.
8-6, Cay-uts
I'm not sure what their token press is doing, besides wearing out 5 of their 7 usable players at a time.
I'm confused as to why Jasper is trying to create his own shot all of a sudden. I don't like it.
Oh wow. That was a rough patch. PPatt, for all the greatness, gets blocked ALL THE TIME. He should be making some sort of adjustment soon; and I trust that he is smart enough to figure that out.
We are scoring easily down, Porter just had two turnovers in like 3 seconds. I like the aggressiveness, though.
They sure drop the ball a lot. What's that about.
Patterson should dominate this team.
14-12, Cay-uts
Hey, no one (on this blog) ever said Porter couldn't shoot. He's much more likeable in limited minutes, especially when he makes threes. That was puuuuuuure.
Jasper's pass was awful, but his block was pretty cool. Where's his brain?
Uh-oh Tiger fans...they haven't seen this kind of shooting in their crappy gym since the days of Scott Pohlman(n?)...who the hell cares how it's spelled?
We are fouling a lot. I wish we'd stop doing that.
Learn from Crawford, youngsters. Just throw it towards Patterson.
Wow. Lots of fouls.
22-15, UK
We really miss Bradley. We don't really have any good ball-handlers.
Joe sure can shoot, though.
That's what happens when you give a team 3 damn shots. Grab the ball!
Jasper is not playing well. At all. Funny how I lauded his decision-making last week.
Do it yourself, Patterson. Please, start rebounding everyone! Are we even paying attention!! We don't look very focused, for whatever reason.
27-23, UK
Sweet highlight package, RAYCOM.
Whoa, that was like some sort of crazy alley-oop. Joe almost had an awesome cram.
I wonder what Billy G. was pissed about. Not going to get a grain of info from these dingbats, that's for sure.
I cannot believe this game is tied. Auburn sucks balls.
I'm baffled that announcers have failed to grasp the fact that a jump-stop is legal.
Well, that wraps up a half of them making complete bullshit jump shots. We should win this game by no less than ten.
34-34, ridiculous
Our ball, bitches!! Come on!!!
Well, we're losing.
Wow, not anymore.
Holy shit, we are 15-22??? If we would stop turning the ball over and start rebounding, we'd be up 20.
Wow, they have walked three times and been called for it once in the first 2+ minutes of the half.
Joe is burying daggers!!
Wow, Ramon accidentally stole that pass. Nice flush!
OK, let's run away with this.
46-37, UK
That wasn't a charge on Patterson, by the way.
Having a little trouble with the inbounds here. We were destined for a turnover.
Wow, that was a Matrix move from Porter. Unfortunately, it is of little benefit in a basketball game.
We are really not all there tonight. We are making a lot of mistakes, even for us.
I do like the way Ramon is finishing and shooting with confidence.
52-46, Auburn blows
Again, more bone-headed mistakes.
Crawford is good. He has looked pretty unstoppable, even while injured.
Well, I spoke a little soon. He was awfully stoppable on the play where he fell to the floor. That was easy to guard.
I've held my tongue long enough--we are getting called for a shitload of questionable fouls.
Wow. Look at Ramon being aggressive. I like it. I wish we would all be playing that way.
We look pretty damn clueless. We need Joe back FAST.
56-48, UK
By the way, that guy walked twice.
I am stunned at how much Auburn sucks.
Jeff Lebo should be lobbying for nothing; they've gotten every foul call in this game. Which is fine, but you can't have it both ways. OK, now we're starting to get some cheapies.
We have made more terrible passes than I've ever seen.
Whoa, Ramel's there? I hope he doesn't kiss anyone!! Joe is being "senior Joe" tonight. We need that from him every night.
STOP FOULING. Or keep fouling; they probably suck at free throws. They suck at everything else.
Oh, more turnovers. Good work. Stop trying to score. Just stand at the top of the key with the ball and allow the shot clock to expire.
This is unbelievable.
62-55, UK...I guess
Conley said it, all we have to do is not turn the ball over. We can't do it.
I realize we are missing our point guard, but I thought that our other players could handle the ball, at least a little bit. We can't even throw it to our teammates.
62-57, under 2, UK
Don't bitch about fouls, Lebo!
They, at the 1 minute mark, had 25 free throws to our 6. I think officials hate Gillispie or something.
This has been horribly frustrating.
64-61, UK, 30 secs.
Wow. He get fouled on that lay-up.
Thank God they're absolutely absurdly terrible and stupid.
This game was embarassing. I'm glad it's over.
66-63, UK...Matt Jones has been very close with his recent predictions. He said 68-60, I think and he was close last time.
I've never seen us try and give away a game like that. Patterson was the only player on the court with an ounce of poise. I hope this was a learning experience.
Hammond flying solo?!?!? Ah, hello Lar.
Oh God, look how few people are there.
Oh man, I thought Coury was going to the rack off the tip.
Discuss Coury's walk amongst yourselves.
PPatt can go for 30 against these guys easy...we just need to get him the ball in the right spots.
Shot fake, Joe. Antwain Barbour was one of the best...if not the most prolific.
Gross, Harris. Bend your damn knees.
PPatt had a guard on him there, and no one really looked at him. C'mon guys, Auburn blows.
8-6, Cay-uts
I'm not sure what their token press is doing, besides wearing out 5 of their 7 usable players at a time.
I'm confused as to why Jasper is trying to create his own shot all of a sudden. I don't like it.
Oh wow. That was a rough patch. PPatt, for all the greatness, gets blocked ALL THE TIME. He should be making some sort of adjustment soon; and I trust that he is smart enough to figure that out.
We are scoring easily down, Porter just had two turnovers in like 3 seconds. I like the aggressiveness, though.
They sure drop the ball a lot. What's that about.
Patterson should dominate this team.
14-12, Cay-uts
Hey, no one (on this blog) ever said Porter couldn't shoot. He's much more likeable in limited minutes, especially when he makes threes. That was puuuuuuure.
Jasper's pass was awful, but his block was pretty cool. Where's his brain?
Uh-oh Tiger fans...they haven't seen this kind of shooting in their crappy gym since the days of Scott Pohlman(n?)...who the hell cares how it's spelled?
We are fouling a lot. I wish we'd stop doing that.
Learn from Crawford, youngsters. Just throw it towards Patterson.
Wow. Lots of fouls.
22-15, UK
We really miss Bradley. We don't really have any good ball-handlers.
Joe sure can shoot, though.
That's what happens when you give a team 3 damn shots. Grab the ball!
Jasper is not playing well. At all. Funny how I lauded his decision-making last week.
Do it yourself, Patterson. Please, start rebounding everyone! Are we even paying attention!! We don't look very focused, for whatever reason.
27-23, UK
Sweet highlight package, RAYCOM.
Whoa, that was like some sort of crazy alley-oop. Joe almost had an awesome cram.
I wonder what Billy G. was pissed about. Not going to get a grain of info from these dingbats, that's for sure.
I cannot believe this game is tied. Auburn sucks balls.
I'm baffled that announcers have failed to grasp the fact that a jump-stop is legal.
Well, that wraps up a half of them making complete bullshit jump shots. We should win this game by no less than ten.
34-34, ridiculous
Our ball, bitches!! Come on!!!
Well, we're losing.
Wow, not anymore.
Holy shit, we are 15-22??? If we would stop turning the ball over and start rebounding, we'd be up 20.
Wow, they have walked three times and been called for it once in the first 2+ minutes of the half.
Joe is burying daggers!!
Wow, Ramon accidentally stole that pass. Nice flush!
OK, let's run away with this.
46-37, UK
That wasn't a charge on Patterson, by the way.
Having a little trouble with the inbounds here. We were destined for a turnover.
Wow, that was a Matrix move from Porter. Unfortunately, it is of little benefit in a basketball game.
We are really not all there tonight. We are making a lot of mistakes, even for us.
I do like the way Ramon is finishing and shooting with confidence.
52-46, Auburn blows
Again, more bone-headed mistakes.
Crawford is good. He has looked pretty unstoppable, even while injured.
Well, I spoke a little soon. He was awfully stoppable on the play where he fell to the floor. That was easy to guard.
I've held my tongue long enough--we are getting called for a shitload of questionable fouls.
Wow. Look at Ramon being aggressive. I like it. I wish we would all be playing that way.
We look pretty damn clueless. We need Joe back FAST.
56-48, UK
By the way, that guy walked twice.
I am stunned at how much Auburn sucks.
Jeff Lebo should be lobbying for nothing; they've gotten every foul call in this game. Which is fine, but you can't have it both ways. OK, now we're starting to get some cheapies.
We have made more terrible passes than I've ever seen.
Whoa, Ramel's there? I hope he doesn't kiss anyone!! Joe is being "senior Joe" tonight. We need that from him every night.
STOP FOULING. Or keep fouling; they probably suck at free throws. They suck at everything else.
Oh, more turnovers. Good work. Stop trying to score. Just stand at the top of the key with the ball and allow the shot clock to expire.
This is unbelievable.
62-55, UK...I guess
Conley said it, all we have to do is not turn the ball over. We can't do it.
I realize we are missing our point guard, but I thought that our other players could handle the ball, at least a little bit. We can't even throw it to our teammates.
62-57, under 2, UK
Don't bitch about fouls, Lebo!
They, at the 1 minute mark, had 25 free throws to our 6. I think officials hate Gillispie or something.
This has been horribly frustrating.
64-61, UK, 30 secs.
Wow. He get fouled on that lay-up.
Thank God they're absolutely absurdly terrible and stupid.
This game was embarassing. I'm glad it's over.
66-63, UK...Matt Jones has been very close with his recent predictions. He said 68-60, I think and he was close last time.
I've never seen us try and give away a game like that. Patterson was the only player on the court with an ounce of poise. I hope this was a learning experience.
SportsPickle guy: Feud?...not with me, of course
I was going to blog about this earlier in the week, but I forgot. I noticed that during The Big Lead's Super Bowl blog (, they referred to Eli as "Elisha" and Brady as "Dreamboat," something that has been done on SportsPickle for a long time. I wondered if those phrases were universal and I'd been missing them, but in this week's Ponder This on, there is mention of a possible feud due to someone frequently ripping his shit off. This may not be what he was even talking about, but I emailed and asked him anyway. I'll see if there's a response.
I just re-read this and realized how unimportant and ridiculous this sounds, but I've been on board with SportsPickle for a long damn time and it's bullshit for people to rip his stuff off!
I have all of the sudden turned this into, like, an inane sports satire gossip blog.
I just re-read this and realized how unimportant and ridiculous this sounds, but I've been on board with SportsPickle for a long damn time and it's bullshit for people to rip his stuff off!
I have all of the sudden turned this into, like, an inane sports satire gossip blog.
It's signing day!!!
I hope we get Aaron Boyd.
Well, that concludes my signing day coverage. Refer to the creepy, yet sometimes informative, Jody Demling for more. Seriously, he looks like an older movie character's young self. Like when a sixty year-old flashes back to when they were thirty, that's Jody Demling. I don't know why I get that feeling, but think about it the next time you see him.
Duke-UNC is tonight, and apparently, at least according to ESPN, Gerald Henderson intentionally breaking Hansbrough's face is good TV! They show that clip a lot, as if it occurred in the spirit of battle. "But it's Henderson, and he's not a dirty player; that doesn't happen at Duke."
I really don't understand how, even at Duke, this wasn't seen as the dirtiest play...ever. I mean, if there were one player who is loved by the media as much as Duke, it's Hansbrough. And, he is widely considered one of the best college basketball players. You would think a play like this would get buried with the Kermit Washington punch and Woody Hayes throat-grab, only to be shown when discussing poor sportsmanship or violent plays in sports. Instead, it is being broadcast as just another hard play in this spirited rivalry. If any other player tried to fore-arm Hansbrough's face off, I think ESPN would be "disgusted by such a violent act."
I could be wrong, but I'm not. Go Heels...I would love to see Psycho D (not a mistake) on the line 25 times tonight.
Live-blog tonight....for UK-Auburn. Why would all of our guys play?
Well, that concludes my signing day coverage. Refer to the creepy, yet sometimes informative, Jody Demling for more. Seriously, he looks like an older movie character's young self. Like when a sixty year-old flashes back to when they were thirty, that's Jody Demling. I don't know why I get that feeling, but think about it the next time you see him.
Duke-UNC is tonight, and apparently, at least according to ESPN, Gerald Henderson intentionally breaking Hansbrough's face is good TV! They show that clip a lot, as if it occurred in the spirit of battle. "But it's Henderson, and he's not a dirty player; that doesn't happen at Duke."
I really don't understand how, even at Duke, this wasn't seen as the dirtiest play...ever. I mean, if there were one player who is loved by the media as much as Duke, it's Hansbrough. And, he is widely considered one of the best college basketball players. You would think a play like this would get buried with the Kermit Washington punch and Woody Hayes throat-grab, only to be shown when discussing poor sportsmanship or violent plays in sports. Instead, it is being broadcast as just another hard play in this spirited rivalry. If any other player tried to fore-arm Hansbrough's face off, I think ESPN would be "disgusted by such a violent act."
I could be wrong, but I'm not. Go Heels...I would love to see Psycho D (not a mistake) on the line 25 times tonight.
Live-blog tonight....for UK-Auburn. Why would all of our guys play?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Go Vols!...and our fans are crazy...and a 'that's what she said'
First, sorry about quitting on you last night. That game was painful to watch, especially for someone who was hoping that UL would lose. They really make Marquette look terrible; I don't know if Marquette is terrible, but they looked like poo last night. I'm just glad Sosa finally had a good game; he, like my blog, is likeable. That's a joke...both of them.
We Cat fans now get to root for a team that is equally frustrating as our own, UT. After watching them last weekend, I wonder how they win...ever. Not only are their players stupid, but Bruce Pearl is absolutely moronic. I trust that they will be able to play an up-and-down game with the Gators, thus they should win easily at home. If the Gators play like they did against Arkansas, they'll lose by 200. If they don't, they might win. I truly believe it to be possible that UF could win, or lose, this game by 20.
I won't be live-blogging for this one, as I should probably spend more time doing homework (drinking). Seriously, no live blog. I got shit to do! Back off!
I'm sure you have all read the Mark Story article abou Cats Pause posters bashing recruits, notably Dakotah Euton, Darius Miller, and Aaron Boyd. It was mentioned on TCP message boards, then re-hashed on KSRadio, and now re-hashed by me! I'm such a follower. Anyway, it's a very good article about how a bunch of rednecks (I was going to change this when I was proofreading because I'm bitching about name-calling, but seriously, we've all been to games) post online about Euton and Miller sucking, and how it upsets the families of these players. I've always wondered why our fans do this, as it seems very elementary, stupid, and borderline psychotic. Then, I think about the people around me at UK basketball and football games, and it makes more sense. As much as I love UK, 75% (is that fair?) of our fans are psychos. Seriously, if they were evaluated by Dr. Phil (or someone else that does this sort of thing), they'd be clinically psychotic. I really do love the passion these fans have, but when you're trashing a 16 year old kid on the one hand, and whining about the lack of respect we get on the other, don't you think we may be "shittin' where we eat?" I realize that term doesn't exactly fit there, but when am I going to be able to use it again?
Go to the boards and read what is written by these people. Or, better yet, pay attention at games. Why in God's name would Aaron Boyd go to UK after watching the way his brother was treated? No wonder it's down to us and Oregon. His thought process, most likely, is 'I can stay here at home, play in front of my family, and do at UK what my brother only dreamed of...or I can get as far away from these creeps and weirdos as possible.' I guess we won't know until tomorrow, but don't be shocked if he's a Duck.
I guess my main point is that trashing our players is stupid, but trashing recruits is unbelievably stupid. I've trashed players on this very blog, and I, most likely, will continue to do so. However, I try to keep my real feelings from seeping on to these pages when I'm really angry and irrational because, at least I like to think, I'm not psychotic. I will admit that I don't think Coury is good, Bradley's basketball IQ has looked to be somewhere around the upper-teens, and Ramon Harris has looked clueless and scared, but I defend those statements as being warranted. Further, I'll admit that it's stupid of me to do those things, but hey, it's my job (what?). I know these guys have worked their asses off, and I don't think I've ever represented them unfairly. And, to be sure, I drunkenly gave Dakotah Euton a hug after the UK-UL football game this year. Or I gave some guy who looked like Dakotah Euton a hug, tough to say.
When it comes down to it, the fact that fans feel the need to trash the probable Mr. Basketball in the state (Darius Miller) and a 16 year old makes me uneasy. We sit and wonder why we don't get all the recruits, why we're the butt of jokes, why we don't get calls, why opposing fans hate us, and then we go and post that a pimply-faced sophomore is too fat and slow to play for UK. Hmm, seems pretty obvious.
I love the message boards and KSRadio, I think they are a great place for some chatter and, typically, a great place for news and humor (mostly the latter there). But, I feel that some people may need to dial-down their psychotic behavior, or the stereotypes about us will only be accentuated. To clarify, when I say psychotic, I don't mean it in the loose way that has become popular in American vernacular; I mean actually psychotic.
I agree 100% that UK is a great place to play, something our fans say a lot. Whether it be football or basketball, we have very loyal and passionate fans that will show up to every game. But you better be good, because it is clear that we will turn on you in a hot second.
Wow, that got long. Ah, there it is.
We Cat fans now get to root for a team that is equally frustrating as our own, UT. After watching them last weekend, I wonder how they win...ever. Not only are their players stupid, but Bruce Pearl is absolutely moronic. I trust that they will be able to play an up-and-down game with the Gators, thus they should win easily at home. If the Gators play like they did against Arkansas, they'll lose by 200. If they don't, they might win. I truly believe it to be possible that UF could win, or lose, this game by 20.
I won't be live-blogging for this one, as I should probably spend more time doing homework (drinking). Seriously, no live blog. I got shit to do! Back off!
I'm sure you have all read the Mark Story article abou Cats Pause posters bashing recruits, notably Dakotah Euton, Darius Miller, and Aaron Boyd. It was mentioned on TCP message boards, then re-hashed on KSRadio, and now re-hashed by me! I'm such a follower. Anyway, it's a very good article about how a bunch of rednecks (I was going to change this when I was proofreading because I'm bitching about name-calling, but seriously, we've all been to games) post online about Euton and Miller sucking, and how it upsets the families of these players. I've always wondered why our fans do this, as it seems very elementary, stupid, and borderline psychotic. Then, I think about the people around me at UK basketball and football games, and it makes more sense. As much as I love UK, 75% (is that fair?) of our fans are psychos. Seriously, if they were evaluated by Dr. Phil (or someone else that does this sort of thing), they'd be clinically psychotic. I really do love the passion these fans have, but when you're trashing a 16 year old kid on the one hand, and whining about the lack of respect we get on the other, don't you think we may be "shittin' where we eat?" I realize that term doesn't exactly fit there, but when am I going to be able to use it again?
Go to the boards and read what is written by these people. Or, better yet, pay attention at games. Why in God's name would Aaron Boyd go to UK after watching the way his brother was treated? No wonder it's down to us and Oregon. His thought process, most likely, is 'I can stay here at home, play in front of my family, and do at UK what my brother only dreamed of...or I can get as far away from these creeps and weirdos as possible.' I guess we won't know until tomorrow, but don't be shocked if he's a Duck.
I guess my main point is that trashing our players is stupid, but trashing recruits is unbelievably stupid. I've trashed players on this very blog, and I, most likely, will continue to do so. However, I try to keep my real feelings from seeping on to these pages when I'm really angry and irrational because, at least I like to think, I'm not psychotic. I will admit that I don't think Coury is good, Bradley's basketball IQ has looked to be somewhere around the upper-teens, and Ramon Harris has looked clueless and scared, but I defend those statements as being warranted. Further, I'll admit that it's stupid of me to do those things, but hey, it's my job (what?). I know these guys have worked their asses off, and I don't think I've ever represented them unfairly. And, to be sure, I drunkenly gave Dakotah Euton a hug after the UK-UL football game this year. Or I gave some guy who looked like Dakotah Euton a hug, tough to say.
When it comes down to it, the fact that fans feel the need to trash the probable Mr. Basketball in the state (Darius Miller) and a 16 year old makes me uneasy. We sit and wonder why we don't get all the recruits, why we're the butt of jokes, why we don't get calls, why opposing fans hate us, and then we go and post that a pimply-faced sophomore is too fat and slow to play for UK. Hmm, seems pretty obvious.
I love the message boards and KSRadio, I think they are a great place for some chatter and, typically, a great place for news and humor (mostly the latter there). But, I feel that some people may need to dial-down their psychotic behavior, or the stereotypes about us will only be accentuated. To clarify, when I say psychotic, I don't mean it in the loose way that has become popular in American vernacular; I mean actually psychotic.
I agree 100% that UK is a great place to play, something our fans say a lot. Whether it be football or basketball, we have very loyal and passionate fans that will show up to every game. But you better be good, because it is clear that we will turn on you in a hot second.
Wow, that got long. Ah, there it is.
Monday, February 4, 2008
UL-Marquette 2/4/08
Ah, the rematch. Can you feel it? Can you hear it? Can you smell it? It actually smells like pot in my apartment, maybe it's the smell of vengeance, though. Hard to tell. I say Marquette wins by 10, 78-68, and the old woman that Jerry Smith stomped in his celebration last year storms the floor and hits him with her purse.
Quick aside: Over/under the amount of times we see the David Tyree catch in the next week--60. It was an amazing play, though.
Go cay-ards. See you at the under 16!!! (For all of you who aren't basketball experts, that is not some sort of club where we "Supaman" a bunch of high schoolers.)
McDonough: Under the weather or unexcited?
Uhhh, is this game being played at 2AM Milwaukee time? Where is everyone?
No James?!?! Prediction change: 77-55, UL.
Good way to set the tone, Earl. Don't be cautious.
Is Crean drinking Keystone Light on the bench?
Wow. Sosa is on fire!!!! That could be the Cards' biggest detriment tonight...
UL's offense looks like it is practicing. If this doesn't change fast, this game will be ugly.
14-8, the mighty, mighty Cardinals
Hey, James is playing...and fouls like a chick.
Has Marquette ever run a zone before? Because they're bad at it.
Knowles before Scott...ITV has spoken.
What an awful possession to lead is into break.
19-10, L-Raisers
Marquette fouls a lot...and complains even more after they foul.
Big news: Knight quit...and looks like a complete nancy in his picture. Why is anyone surprised at what Bob Knight ever does? He's psychotic.
I don't know what UL does to Marquette, but I wish UK could do it to anyone. This game, so far, is lopsided, despite the score.
Caracter is a wrecking-ball...I get the feeling that his days are numbered. I mean, he has 3 fouls in like 5 minutes of play.
Jerry Smith does not let you miss him score, because he screams after the ball falls through the net EVERY TIME.
23-14, UL...I think
Uh-oh, Sosa may start hoisting.
Nevermind, Pitino saw that possibility and quickly called a TO to end it.
Am I crazy, or is Marquette horrible. I realize UL is playing good defense, but they look shitty.
That was a questionable foul, but don't expect to get calls the way you chumps have been hackin' all night.
25-19, C-A-R-DS
UL is way better than Marquette. I'll be shocked if they don't win going away. If they play defense like this the rest of the year, they will be a tough team. They still have spurts of will happen soon in this game.
Not in Farley's house BITCH!
Marquette is running UL's old offense before they threw it to Padgett! Apparently they thought the scouting tapes were how-to videos.
Throw it to Farley!! He's busting his ass down low!!! And fouling, apparently.
Sosa is having his breakout game...oh, and I heard the E5/Magic comparison moments before his crossover missed his other hand.
34-22, UL
Looks like Terrence caught a bow to the schnozz. 'I wish nothing but the best. Never want to see a kid get hurt; no matter who you cheer for.'--obligatory CatsPause post.
OK, he's back. Can I hate him again?
What a flush!!! TO Louisville!!! I'm kidding; that guy just did his best Candace Parker.
40-28, UL
Sosa utilizing the shiver...he learned that from Strahan last night.
45-32, Cards
OK, Marquette has hit board first on two threes this half. Stop shooting so many 3's!
Terrence: Swish!
Just keep shooting, Marquette...
53-39, Da Ville
If Marquette doesn't do something, this will be the last section of live-blogging. Jon and Kate Plus 8 is almost on.
Ugly and awful, this game.
That was the UL I remember: Terrence hoisting an awful three, and Caracter blatently pushing a Marquette player.
OK, I'm not watching this any longer.
Pretty sure the Cards won.
Quick aside: Over/under the amount of times we see the David Tyree catch in the next week--60. It was an amazing play, though.
Go cay-ards. See you at the under 16!!! (For all of you who aren't basketball experts, that is not some sort of club where we "Supaman" a bunch of high schoolers.)
McDonough: Under the weather or unexcited?
Uhhh, is this game being played at 2AM Milwaukee time? Where is everyone?
No James?!?! Prediction change: 77-55, UL.
Good way to set the tone, Earl. Don't be cautious.
Is Crean drinking Keystone Light on the bench?
Wow. Sosa is on fire!!!! That could be the Cards' biggest detriment tonight...
UL's offense looks like it is practicing. If this doesn't change fast, this game will be ugly.
14-8, the mighty, mighty Cardinals
Hey, James is playing...and fouls like a chick.
Has Marquette ever run a zone before? Because they're bad at it.
Knowles before Scott...ITV has spoken.
What an awful possession to lead is into break.
19-10, L-Raisers
Marquette fouls a lot...and complains even more after they foul.
Big news: Knight quit...and looks like a complete nancy in his picture. Why is anyone surprised at what Bob Knight ever does? He's psychotic.
I don't know what UL does to Marquette, but I wish UK could do it to anyone. This game, so far, is lopsided, despite the score.
Caracter is a wrecking-ball...I get the feeling that his days are numbered. I mean, he has 3 fouls in like 5 minutes of play.
Jerry Smith does not let you miss him score, because he screams after the ball falls through the net EVERY TIME.
23-14, UL...I think
Uh-oh, Sosa may start hoisting.
Nevermind, Pitino saw that possibility and quickly called a TO to end it.
Am I crazy, or is Marquette horrible. I realize UL is playing good defense, but they look shitty.
That was a questionable foul, but don't expect to get calls the way you chumps have been hackin' all night.
25-19, C-A-R-DS
UL is way better than Marquette. I'll be shocked if they don't win going away. If they play defense like this the rest of the year, they will be a tough team. They still have spurts of will happen soon in this game.
Not in Farley's house BITCH!
Marquette is running UL's old offense before they threw it to Padgett! Apparently they thought the scouting tapes were how-to videos.
Throw it to Farley!! He's busting his ass down low!!! And fouling, apparently.
Sosa is having his breakout game...oh, and I heard the E5/Magic comparison moments before his crossover missed his other hand.
34-22, UL
Looks like Terrence caught a bow to the schnozz. 'I wish nothing but the best. Never want to see a kid get hurt; no matter who you cheer for.'--obligatory CatsPause post.
OK, he's back. Can I hate him again?
What a flush!!! TO Louisville!!! I'm kidding; that guy just did his best Candace Parker.
40-28, UL
Sosa utilizing the shiver...he learned that from Strahan last night.
45-32, Cards
OK, Marquette has hit board first on two threes this half. Stop shooting so many 3's!
Terrence: Swish!
Just keep shooting, Marquette...
53-39, Da Ville
If Marquette doesn't do something, this will be the last section of live-blogging. Jon and Kate Plus 8 is almost on.
Ugly and awful, this game.
That was the UL I remember: Terrence hoisting an awful three, and Caracter blatently pushing a Marquette player.
OK, I'm not watching this any longer.
Pretty sure the Cards won.
Super Bowl XLII: A Wicked Pissah!!!
As glad as I am that the Patriots lost, I must admit that I am a Tom Brady fan. However, my admiration for Brady is far outweighed by my hatred of almost everyone else on his team, their dill-hole coach, and their fans. I mean, really, did the Patriots leave the field while the game was still being played? When Buck said that the Patriots weren't fielding a defense (which they ended up doing), I was hoping that the Giants would score another touchdown. Either way, we can finally shift our attention to blaming all of the Patriots past success on cheating! Hooray!
Big, fat Jared Lorenzen now has a big, fat Super Bowl ring. Good for him. I anticipate an eating binge of epic proportions. Prediction: Jared Lorenzen will eat himself into a coma this week.
Hansborough, just past the midway point of his career, now has the all-time record for free throws made in UNC history. See, I'm not crazy!!! He scored 22 points on 5-of-14 shooting last night. That's a pretty tough thing to do. I didn't see one moment of the game, so I'm basing my alaysis purely on the statistics--which is fair, in my mind. On another note, whenever I think of UNC's backcourt of Ty Lawson and Wayne Ellington, I think of Ty Wiggington. Isn't that weird? And, for some reason, whenever I picture Ty Wiggington in my mind, he's in the on-deck circle desperately trying to get the doughnut off his bat.
I am saddened to report that, due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, I will be unable to live-blog the Duke-UNC game. It is at 9 on Wednesday, and UK-Auburn is at 8. I asked ESPN to move the times around a little bit, but I haven't heard back from them yet. I'm not holding out much hope. However, you will get your fix tonight for the Cay-ards and Marquette. And maybe, just maybe, UT-Florida tomorrow night. That could be three non-sensical, stream of consciousness ramblings in one week. You guys are so lucky.
Big, fat Jared Lorenzen now has a big, fat Super Bowl ring. Good for him. I anticipate an eating binge of epic proportions. Prediction: Jared Lorenzen will eat himself into a coma this week.
Hansborough, just past the midway point of his career, now has the all-time record for free throws made in UNC history. See, I'm not crazy!!! He scored 22 points on 5-of-14 shooting last night. That's a pretty tough thing to do. I didn't see one moment of the game, so I'm basing my alaysis purely on the statistics--which is fair, in my mind. On another note, whenever I think of UNC's backcourt of Ty Lawson and Wayne Ellington, I think of Ty Wiggington. Isn't that weird? And, for some reason, whenever I picture Ty Wiggington in my mind, he's in the on-deck circle desperately trying to get the doughnut off his bat.
I am saddened to report that, due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, I will be unable to live-blog the Duke-UNC game. It is at 9 on Wednesday, and UK-Auburn is at 8. I asked ESPN to move the times around a little bit, but I haven't heard back from them yet. I'm not holding out much hope. However, you will get your fix tonight for the Cay-ards and Marquette. And maybe, just maybe, UT-Florida tomorrow night. That could be three non-sensical, stream of consciousness ramblings in one week. You guys are so lucky.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Bruce Pearl is brain-dead
I know this is a weird time to blog, but watching UT finish off MSU has been downright comical. They had a comfortable lead (12 or so) with like 3 minutes left, and UT catered MSU back into the game. Once MSU cut it to 6 with two minutes left, UT called a timeout and subsequently jacked a three 6 seconds into their possession. No shit. They are up two with thirty seconds left. Let's see what happens...
OK, I think they won. They sure made it difficult, though.
As for my thoughts on the Bradley situation, I think that the foul was intentional, but I'm not sure it was malicious. It was a hard foul on the break, and he really didn't get much ball. Those are almost always called intentional; not this time, I guess. End of story; let's hope he plays Wednesday.
OK, I think they won. They sure made it difficult, though.
As for my thoughts on the Bradley situation, I think that the foul was intentional, but I'm not sure it was malicious. It was a hard foul on the break, and he really didn't get much ball. Those are almost always called intentional; not this time, I guess. End of story; let's hope he plays Wednesday.
UK-UGA 2/2/08
OK, after downloading a bevy of viruses, I think I concocted the perfect media player cocktail to successfully watch the UK/UGA game. Thus, if it starts, I will have a live blog. Right now, the "channel" is a black screen that flashes every now and again--it's kind of like the video on The Ring. I think I'll get Slingbox soon...
I'm going to switch the format up a bit, and head each blurb with the score leading into that time frame, and end each one with the new score. I can't explain that clearly; you'll see.
0-0, no one is winning yet...
Oh my God, the game is now on CBS...weird; luckily, though, as it appears that whatever I downloaded doesn't work. I already had a scathing email to WISH-TV email planned. At least I have a VLC Player, whatever that is. Apparently, Meeks isn't playing and Ramel is sick. That's nice. Coury almost got a steal; instead, it resulted in a wide-open three. Get him out. Jesus, Patterson; make your lay-ups. Coury did get a steal under our basket, though. Wow, we are having trouble around the basket. I love seeing Joe back in there; We need his scoring. We look OK; they've hit a couple of threes, but overall I see us outscoring them. 8-7, UGA
8-7, UGA
Crawford is doing well early, my gf says. She also asked who #30 was though, but quickly realized that "he was on the white team, that's not us." So take her observations lightly. Keep hitting threes, Joe, and we'll be fine. Oh, Gaines was just called for what Harlan described as an, "illegal dribble." I don't know what that is, because it didn't look like a carry. That Bliss baseline shot was trash. That Balkman looking guy just went over the back to take us to break, 14-13 UK.
14-13, UK
The last 3 or 4 shots they've taken have been bad, and we can't seem to grab the ball. We are playing well defensively, though. That alley-oop was awesome...apparently Harlan and Clarke didn't think so. Oh, but Gaines' prayer was "spectacular." Great hit ahead from Jasper, and Bradley may be dead. I guess that's not an intentional foul, but I've seen it called for much less. Bliss wasn't really going for the ball. Nevermind, that's bullshit. Fuck that square-headed tool. Porter had been relegated to student-trainer, apparently. OK...that Krebs guy is playing now. I hope his job is to kick Dave Bliss in the nads. Got to question sending him in for the free throws. Let's just maintain for a little bit with these two in (you know who). UK, 18-17.
18-17, UK
Weak 2nd foul on Joe. That could hurt if both he and Bradley are out. Harris has been walking all game; he can look so confused out there. Porter sighting, 6:01. They are taking a page from USC's book, and just hoisting threes. To the sharpshooting Kevin Harlan, 13 feet is "point blank." The second awesome alley-oop; he's a beast. UK, 25-21.
25-21, UK
DiGiorno commercial=terrible. That guy should be nicer to his wife, otherwise she's going to start cheating on his fat ass. Porter making an impact. Looks like the refs are trying to even the fouls up here--UGA called for some cheap ones. The clock manager has posted 20:10, and 3.4 seconds--bang-up job. Patterson has to stop missing those bunnies. That Crawford pass was not touched by them; oh well. Porter runs like a fat person; I'm not sure what that means, but pay attention...if we ever get to see him run again. Despite Mark Krebs trying to single-handedly ruin our free throw percentage, I think that half was acceptable, 30-29, UK.
On another note, the UK commercial is embarrassingly bad.
30-29, UK
No Bradley...that could be bad. Crawford may need to score thirty for us. Porter steal and assist! He still runs like a fat person. I like how we are coming out here; Harris has some confidence and Joe is still hitting shots. Crawford, as well as he's playing, may need to sit for a while. We are playing awesome defense. I love the way we are playing right now! On the one hand, I'm worried about them making a run. On the other hand, I wonder how that is possible with their team. I hope that isn't a jinx... Got to love the timeout right before the TV timeout; thanks Dennis. 40-29, UK.
40-29, UK
Wow, Jasper with the And1 move. And was subsequently lazy getting back on defense. We have decided that stopping the ball will not be done for this period of time. Hopefully, this is our stretch of cluelessness. That was the most ridiculous continuation call I've ever seen!!! I can't believe they came back; we need to answer. We have head some really bad possessions. Let's make something happen, 44-42, UK.
44-42, UK
Man, Crawford is taking over. He may score 30 after all. Wow, we look completely lost all of a sudden. Hopefully Patterson does that thing where he gets really angry and dominates everyone. Missed a lot more free throws than usual; I blame Mark Krebs. All day down low; force it to Patterson, Joe's hurt. 51-48, UK.
51-48, UK
Oh no, Kellogg has a blog too!!! They keep making weird shots. This is just as frustrating as the game last year; Patterson can't make lay-ups. I can't believe how different we look from 12 game minutes ago. Joe Willis Reed!!! They continue taking bad shots, but they had been going in. Maybe that will shift. Great play out of the timeour...we are having trouble grabbing the damn ball!! I think that Harris lay-up was the original play out of the TO. We are going to miss Bradley and Meeks down the stretch, UK 58-54.
58-54, UK
Wow, Ramon...baaaaaaaaaaad shot. steal. That was a nice play. I'll say, we do run some pretty sweet set plays when we execute. UK, 60-55 less than a minute.
60-55, UK
Dangerous pass from Patterson; I can't believe Stevenson caught it. This is where I love Meeks and Bradley: FROM THE LINE. Knock them down, Porter. UGA hasn't lost at home, we haven't won on the road: Nothing has to give. 60-55, 33 secs.
60-55, UK
We have to knock down free throws!!! Regardless, Porter has played well today. Very well; NOW are you glad he played all those minutes early in the season? Gillispie knew what he was doing... Jeez, Stevenson. Way to play strong down low. That was a point guard taking the ball from you. Meeks, little Bradley, some Crawford...good win. UK, 63-58.
Crawford looks very injured...
I'm going to switch the format up a bit, and head each blurb with the score leading into that time frame, and end each one with the new score. I can't explain that clearly; you'll see.
0-0, no one is winning yet...
Oh my God, the game is now on CBS...weird; luckily, though, as it appears that whatever I downloaded doesn't work. I already had a scathing email to WISH-TV email planned. At least I have a VLC Player, whatever that is. Apparently, Meeks isn't playing and Ramel is sick. That's nice. Coury almost got a steal; instead, it resulted in a wide-open three. Get him out. Jesus, Patterson; make your lay-ups. Coury did get a steal under our basket, though. Wow, we are having trouble around the basket. I love seeing Joe back in there; We need his scoring. We look OK; they've hit a couple of threes, but overall I see us outscoring them. 8-7, UGA
8-7, UGA
Crawford is doing well early, my gf says. She also asked who #30 was though, but quickly realized that "he was on the white team, that's not us." So take her observations lightly. Keep hitting threes, Joe, and we'll be fine. Oh, Gaines was just called for what Harlan described as an, "illegal dribble." I don't know what that is, because it didn't look like a carry. That Bliss baseline shot was trash. That Balkman looking guy just went over the back to take us to break, 14-13 UK.
14-13, UK
The last 3 or 4 shots they've taken have been bad, and we can't seem to grab the ball. We are playing well defensively, though. That alley-oop was awesome...apparently Harlan and Clarke didn't think so. Oh, but Gaines' prayer was "spectacular." Great hit ahead from Jasper, and Bradley may be dead. I guess that's not an intentional foul, but I've seen it called for much less. Bliss wasn't really going for the ball. Nevermind, that's bullshit. Fuck that square-headed tool. Porter had been relegated to student-trainer, apparently. OK...that Krebs guy is playing now. I hope his job is to kick Dave Bliss in the nads. Got to question sending him in for the free throws. Let's just maintain for a little bit with these two in (you know who). UK, 18-17.
18-17, UK
Weak 2nd foul on Joe. That could hurt if both he and Bradley are out. Harris has been walking all game; he can look so confused out there. Porter sighting, 6:01. They are taking a page from USC's book, and just hoisting threes. To the sharpshooting Kevin Harlan, 13 feet is "point blank." The second awesome alley-oop; he's a beast. UK, 25-21.
25-21, UK
DiGiorno commercial=terrible. That guy should be nicer to his wife, otherwise she's going to start cheating on his fat ass. Porter making an impact. Looks like the refs are trying to even the fouls up here--UGA called for some cheap ones. The clock manager has posted 20:10, and 3.4 seconds--bang-up job. Patterson has to stop missing those bunnies. That Crawford pass was not touched by them; oh well. Porter runs like a fat person; I'm not sure what that means, but pay attention...if we ever get to see him run again. Despite Mark Krebs trying to single-handedly ruin our free throw percentage, I think that half was acceptable, 30-29, UK.
On another note, the UK commercial is embarrassingly bad.
30-29, UK
No Bradley...that could be bad. Crawford may need to score thirty for us. Porter steal and assist! He still runs like a fat person. I like how we are coming out here; Harris has some confidence and Joe is still hitting shots. Crawford, as well as he's playing, may need to sit for a while. We are playing awesome defense. I love the way we are playing right now! On the one hand, I'm worried about them making a run. On the other hand, I wonder how that is possible with their team. I hope that isn't a jinx... Got to love the timeout right before the TV timeout; thanks Dennis. 40-29, UK.
40-29, UK
Wow, Jasper with the And1 move. And was subsequently lazy getting back on defense. We have decided that stopping the ball will not be done for this period of time. Hopefully, this is our stretch of cluelessness. That was the most ridiculous continuation call I've ever seen!!! I can't believe they came back; we need to answer. We have head some really bad possessions. Let's make something happen, 44-42, UK.
44-42, UK
Man, Crawford is taking over. He may score 30 after all. Wow, we look completely lost all of a sudden. Hopefully Patterson does that thing where he gets really angry and dominates everyone. Missed a lot more free throws than usual; I blame Mark Krebs. All day down low; force it to Patterson, Joe's hurt. 51-48, UK.
51-48, UK
Oh no, Kellogg has a blog too!!! They keep making weird shots. This is just as frustrating as the game last year; Patterson can't make lay-ups. I can't believe how different we look from 12 game minutes ago. Joe Willis Reed!!! They continue taking bad shots, but they had been going in. Maybe that will shift. Great play out of the timeour...we are having trouble grabbing the damn ball!! I think that Harris lay-up was the original play out of the TO. We are going to miss Bradley and Meeks down the stretch, UK 58-54.
58-54, UK
Wow, Ramon...baaaaaaaaaaad shot. steal. That was a nice play. I'll say, we do run some pretty sweet set plays when we execute. UK, 60-55 less than a minute.
60-55, UK
Dangerous pass from Patterson; I can't believe Stevenson caught it. This is where I love Meeks and Bradley: FROM THE LINE. Knock them down, Porter. UGA hasn't lost at home, we haven't won on the road: Nothing has to give. 60-55, 33 secs.
60-55, UK
We have to knock down free throws!!! Regardless, Porter has played well today. Very well; NOW are you glad he played all those minutes early in the season? Gillispie knew what he was doing... Jeez, Stevenson. Way to play strong down low. That was a point guard taking the ball from you. Meeks, little Bradley, some Crawford...good win. UK, 63-58.
Crawford looks very injured...
TV issues
WISH-TV, after switching from the Pitt/UConn game to the UK game, has apparently switched back. Indiana licks shit.
On the bright side, I'll get to see a bunch of "bangers" in a thrilling 55-48 festival of rebounds.
On the bright side, I'll get to see a bunch of "bangers" in a thrilling 55-48 festival of rebounds.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Centre bball: Catch the fever
I'm sure few of you know, but Centre's basketball team is ranked in the top 15 in the nation. That's a pretty big deal. However, last Friday, another ranked team, Millsaps, came to play in the always racous...ahhhh...gym...Sutcliffe? I can't remember. Anyway, it was the national D3 game of the week, and it went down to the wire. Centre was actually down 7 with like 40 seconds left. Here's what happened at the end of regulation.
The kid who his the shot, Thomas Britt, had 28 in the 2nd half and OT. Even if you have no affinity to Centre, it's still an amazing shot.
Further, Centre beat mighty Trinity last night, in Texas, 78-69 in OT. They were down 16 in the second half!! I'm sure few care, but they are now 17-1 and are likely to be top 10 in the nation soon. That's pretty righteous.
The C-J has annoyingly played up UL opponent again. Rutgers (10-12), is described as not being a doormat anymore in the "Every-night-is-Armageddon...Big East." I'm not seing the BE sucks, but Rutgers does. Don't tell me how they beat Pitt at Pitt, because I know that, and I don't care, nor am I impressed.
The kid who his the shot, Thomas Britt, had 28 in the 2nd half and OT. Even if you have no affinity to Centre, it's still an amazing shot.
Further, Centre beat mighty Trinity last night, in Texas, 78-69 in OT. They were down 16 in the second half!! I'm sure few care, but they are now 17-1 and are likely to be top 10 in the nation soon. That's pretty righteous.
The C-J has annoyingly played up UL opponent again. Rutgers (10-12), is described as not being a doormat anymore in the "Every-night-is-Armageddon...Big East." I'm not seing the BE sucks, but Rutgers does. Don't tell me how they beat Pitt at Pitt, because I know that, and I don't care, nor am I impressed.
Rhyming, clever title
I wasted a lot of time trying to come up with a title, but there was nothing. I feel stupid today for no good reason, so this post may be terrible (not much of a change, I guess). It is unbearably awful outside, so I blame the weather.
If you didn't see the Berman video, submitted by a gentle reader in the comments section, go to any other sports blog (including Kentucky Sports Radio) and watch. It's pretty hilarious watching him question the professionalism of those around him. I mean, has he watched himself do a baseball game dressed like a disheveled Hardee's manager? (Ed. note: I searched high and low for a picture of Berman in a short-sleeved oxford. Nothing. I guess he doesn't allow himself to be photographed in a God damn fucking piece of shit shirt like that.)
I can't imbed a video or provide a link because I'm using an Apple, so go to The Big Lead, KSR, or Deadspin. Of course, all of these sites, one word, followed by case you are having trouble on the web still. Don't you love how people qualify their email address, "Uh, yeah, all one word." Oh, you mean you aren't the one person with spaces in their email address? So, your email isn't "frosted tips at aol dot com?" That's weird.
So no Crawford this weekend; that is bad news. We really need him, especially playing on the road. Say what you will about his drives to the basket, but he is a consistent scorer that can hit threes. I suppose if Ramel continues playing out of his mind this will be a non-issue, but Meeks and Jasper still aren't right. Hopefully, everyone will be healthy soon, but apparently Joe may not go until next Saturday, and that's still in question. We'll see, I guess.
I will be live blogging tomorrow, though I may be watching the game on the internet. I heard that the Indy CBS is now showing UK instead of UConn or something, so maybe not. I may do the UL game at 3, but no guarantees.
Read the Bass, there is an update today!!!
If you didn't see the Berman video, submitted by a gentle reader in the comments section, go to any other sports blog (including Kentucky Sports Radio) and watch. It's pretty hilarious watching him question the professionalism of those around him. I mean, has he watched himself do a baseball game dressed like a disheveled Hardee's manager? (Ed. note: I searched high and low for a picture of Berman in a short-sleeved oxford. Nothing. I guess he doesn't allow himself to be photographed in a God damn fucking piece of shit shirt like that.)
I can't imbed a video or provide a link because I'm using an Apple, so go to The Big Lead, KSR, or Deadspin. Of course, all of these sites, one word, followed by case you are having trouble on the web still. Don't you love how people qualify their email address, "Uh, yeah, all one word." Oh, you mean you aren't the one person with spaces in their email address? So, your email isn't "frosted tips at aol dot com?" That's weird.
So no Crawford this weekend; that is bad news. We really need him, especially playing on the road. Say what you will about his drives to the basket, but he is a consistent scorer that can hit threes. I suppose if Ramel continues playing out of his mind this will be a non-issue, but Meeks and Jasper still aren't right. Hopefully, everyone will be healthy soon, but apparently Joe may not go until next Saturday, and that's still in question. We'll see, I guess.
I will be live blogging tomorrow, though I may be watching the game on the internet. I heard that the Indy CBS is now showing UK instead of UConn or something, so maybe not. I may do the UL game at 3, but no guarantees.
Read the Bass, there is an update today!!!
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